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EventList Collection [Visio 2003 SDK Documentation]

Multiple objects

Includes an Event object for each event to which an object should respond. The object that possesses the EventList is sometimes called the source object.

To retrieve an EventList collection, use the EventList property of the source object.

Version added



The default property of EventList is Item.

In general, the level of the source object in the Microsoft Visio object hierarchy determines the scope of its response. For example, if an Event object for the DocumentOpened event is in the EventList collection of a Document object, that event's action is triggered only when that document is opened. If the same Event object is in the EventList collection of an Application object, the event's action is triggered whenever any document is opened in that instance of Visio.

To create an Event object that runs an add-on, use the Add method of an EventList collection.

To create an Event object that sends a notification, use the AddAdvise method.

Properties | Count property | Item property | ItemFromID property | ObjectType property

Methods | Add method | AddAdvise method

Parent Objects | Application Object | Cell Object | Characters Collection | Document Object | Documents Collection | Event Object | InvisibleApp Object | Layer Object | Layers Collection | Master Object | Masters Collection | Page Object | Pages Collection | Row Object | Section Object | Selection Object | Shape Object | Shapes Collection | Style Object | Styles Collection | Window Object | Windows Collection

Child Objects | Event Object

See Also | Event object