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Cell Object [Visio 2003 SDK Documentation]

Multiple objects
Multiple objects

Holds a formula that evaluates to some value.

Version added



The default property of a Cell object is ResultIU.

You can get or set a cell's formula or value. A cell belongs to a Shape, Style, or Row object and represents a property of the shape, style, or row. For example, the height of a shape equals the value of the shape's Height cell.

A program can control a shape's appearance and behavior by working with the formulas in the shape's cells. You can visually inspect most of a shape's cells by opening the shape's ShapeSheet window. Use the Cells or CellsSRC property of a Shape object to retrieve a Cell object. To retrieve a cell in a style, use the Cells property of a Style object.

Properties | Column property | ContainingMasterID property | ContainingPageID property | ContainingRow property | Dependents property | Document property | Error property | EventList property | Formula property | FormulaForce property | FormulaForceU property | FormulaU property | InheritedFormulaSource property | InheritedValueSource property | IsConstant property | IsInherited property | LocalName property | Name property | ObjectType property | PersistsEvents property | Precedents property | Result property | ResultForce property | ResultFromInt property | ResultFromIntForce property | ResultInt property | ResultIU property | ResultIUForce property | ResultStr property | Row property | RowName property | RowNameU property | Section property | Shape property | Stat property | Style property | Units property

Methods | GlueTo method | GlueToPos method | Trigger method

Events | CellChanged event | FormulaChanged event

Parent Objects | Cell Object | Connect Object | Layer Object | Row Object | Shape Object | Style Object | Window Object

Child Objects | Cell Object | Document Object | EventList Object | Row Object | Shape Object | Style Object