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Selection Object [Visio 2003 SDK Documentation]

Multiple objects
Multiple objects

Represents a subset of Shape objects for a page or master to which an operation can be applied.

To retrieve a Selection object that corresponds to the set of shapes selected in a window, use the Selection property of a Window object.

Version added



The default property of a Selection object is Item.

After you retrieve a Selection object, you can add or remove shapes by using the Select method.

By default, the items reported by a Selection object do not include subselected or superselected Shape objects. Use the IterationMode property to control whether subselected and superselected Shape objects are reported. You can determine whether an individual item is subselected or superselected using the ItemStatus property.

Properties | ContainingMaster property | ContainingMasterID property | ContainingPage property | ContainingPageID property | ContainingShape property | Count property | Document property | EventList property | FillStyle property | FillStyleKeepFmt property | Item property | ItemStatus property | IterationMode property | LineStyle property | LineStyleKeepFmt property | ObjectType property | PersistsEvents property | Picture property | PrimaryItem property | Stat property | Style property | StyleKeepFmt property | TextStyle property | TextStyleKeepFmt property

Methods | AddToGroup method | Align method | BoundingBox method | BringForward method | BringToFront method | Combine method | ConnectShapes method | ConvertToGroup method | Copy method | Cut method | Delete method | DeselectAll method | Distribute method | DrawRegion method | Duplicate method | Export method | FitCurve method | Flip method | FlipHorizontal method | FlipVertical method | Fragment method | Group method | Intersect method | Join method | Layout method | Move method | Offset method | RemoveFromGroup method | ReverseEnds method | Rotate method | Rotate90 method | Select method | SelectAll method | SendBackward method | SendToBack method | Subtract method | SwapEnds method | Trim method | Ungroup method | Union method | UpdateAlignmentBox method

Parent Objects | Master Object | Page Object | Shape Object | Window Object

Child Objects | Document Object | EventList Object | Master Object | Page Object | Shape Object