Messenger Object

Deprecated. The Messenger object implements the IMessenger3 interface and DMessengerEvents dispinterface. This object maintains lists of users and performs most automation functions.


System and MSMSGS.EXE implement this object.

The following interfaces exist for several helper objects implemented within MSMSGS.EXE: IMessenger2, IMessengerContacts, IMessengerContact, IMessengerWindow, IMessengerGroup, IMessengerGroups, IMessengerService, IMessengerServices, IMessengerConversationWnd. Note that these interfaces are not accessible directly from the Messenger object.

Note  The following remark applies to scriptable languages.

  • Although some scriptable members of the Messenger object deal with user-specific information (for example, friendly name or sign-in name), user-specific information is never available through script.

Important  Messenger is no longer available in Windows Vista. See Windows Messenger for more information.

Creation/Access Functions

CoCreateInstance Call CoCreateInstance setting the CLSID parameter to CLSID_Messenger.

Interfaces Implemented


Object Information

Header and IDL files msgrua.h, msgrua.idl
Minimum availability Messenger 4.0
Minimum operating systems Windows XP