IMessenger2 Interface

Deprecated. The secondary interface for the Microsoft Windows Messenger API calls.

IMessenger2 Members

ContactsSortOrder Sets or retrieves the current sort order for the local client, which is used to determine if the contacts should be sorted by groups or by their online/offline status.
CreateGroup Creates a new group to the MessengerGroups collection object.
MyGroups Retrieves the Group list contained in the Messenger object. The retrieved list is a MessengerGroups collection object that can be manipulated with the IMessengerGroups interface.
StartVideo Launches a conversation window to initiate a video session with a particular contact, pending acceptance of the invitation.


Important  IMessenger2 is no longer available in Windows Vista. See Windows Messenger for more information.

Interface Information

Stock Implementation msgsc.dll
Custom Implementation No
Inherits from IMessenger
Header and IDL files msgrua.h, msgrua.idl
Minimum availability Messenger 4.5
Minimum operating systems Windows XP