IMessengerContacts Interface


An interface that manipulates the contact list, which maintains a collection of users in a Messenger object.

Any MessengerContacts collection object can have zero members in its collection.

List collection objects are not explicitly created or destroyed. They already exist and were created by the Messenger object. To create a pointer to the existing object that represents the Contact List, use the IMessenger::GetContact method.

IMessengerContacts Members

_NewEnum Enumerates the MessengerContact objects in a collection.
Count Retrieves the number of MessengerContacts objects in the collection.
Item Retrieves a specific service by index.
Remove Removes a MessengerContact object from a collection.


The Messenger client contains other lists of users and contacts internally, but only the contact list is accessible through the Microsoft Windows Messenger API.

Important  IMessengerContacts is no longer available in Windows Vista. See Windows Messenger for more information.

Interface Information

Stock Implementation msgsc.dll
Custom Implementation No
Inherits from IDispatch World Wide Web link
Header and IDL files msgrua.h, msgrua.idl
Minimum availability Messenger 4.0
Minimum operating systems Windows XP