MessengerContact Object

Deprecated. The MessengerContact object corresponds to the IMessengerContact interface. This object provides a local representation of a remote contact. It represents a single user as stored in the Messenger object's internal contact list.


MSMSGS.EXE implements this object.

A MessengerContact object is not intended to be created separately through CoCreateInstance or other Component Object Model (COM) object instantiation techniques. Client implementers should access existing MessengerContact objects only after creating the Messenger object. After this object is created, a MessengerContact object can be referenced through one of the following:

MessengerContact objects will continue to exist after they are removed from the contact list programmatically or through user action until they are released. In Microsoft Visual C++, you can determine whether MessengerContact objects are no longer in the contact list by monitoring DMessengerEvents::OnContactListRemove events. In most cases, a MessengerContact object that is no longer in the contact list should be released. All objects should be released as part of a cleanup or shutdown routine.

Important  MessengerContact is no longer available in Windows Vista. See Windows Messenger for more information.

Interfaces Implemented


Object Information

Header and IDL files msgrua.h, msgrua.idl
CLSID Not available
Minimum availability Messenger 4.5
Minimum operating systems Windows XP