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FirstLetterException Object


Represents an abbreviation excluded from automatic correction. The FirstLetterException object is a member of the FirstLetterExceptions collection. The FirstLetterExceptions collection includes all the excluded abbreviations.

Note  The first character following a period is automatically capitalized when the CorrectSentenceCaps property is set to True. The character you type following an item in the FirstLetterExceptions collection isn't capitalized.

Using the FirstLetterException Object

Use FirstLetterExceptions(index), where index is the abbreviation or the index number, to return a single FirstLetterException object. The following example deletes the abbreviation "appt." from the FirstLetterExceptions collection.


The following example displays the name of the first item in the FirstLetterExceptions collection.

MsgBox AutoCorrect.FirstLetterExceptions(1).Name

Use the Add method to add an abbreviation to the list of first-letter exceptions. The following example adds the abbreviation "addr." to this list.

AutoCorrect.FirstLetterExceptions.Add Name:="addr."

Properties | Application Property | Creator Property | Index Property | Name Property | Parent Property

Methods | Delete Method

Parent Objects

Child Objects

See Also | TwoInitialCapsException Object