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TwoInitialCapsException Object


Represents a single initial-capital AutoCorrect exception. The TwoInitialCapsException object is a member of the TwoInitialCapsExceptions collection. The TwoInitialCapsExceptions collection includes all the items listed in the Don't correct box on the INitial CAps tab in the AutoCorrect Exceptions dialog box.

Using the TwoInitialCapsException Object

Use TwoInitialCapsExceptions(index), where index is the initial capital exception name or the index number, to return a single TwoInitialCapsException object. The following example deletes the initial-capital exception named "KMenu."


The index number represents the position of the initial-capital exception in the TwoInitialCapsExceptions collection. The following example displays the name of the first item in the TwoInitialCapsExceptions collection.

MsgBox AutoCorrect.TwoInitialCapsExceptions(1).Name

If the TwoInitialCapsAutoAdd property is True, words are automatically added to the list of initial-capital exceptions. Use the Add method to add an item to the TwoInitialCapsExceptions collection. The following example adds "Industry" to the list of initial-capital exceptions.

AutoCorrect.TwoInitialCapsExceptions.Add Name:="INdustry"

Properties | Application Property | Creator Property | Index Property | Name Property | Parent Property

Methods | Delete Method

Parent Objects

Child Objects

See Also | FirstLetterException Object