Windows Media Player Version 6.3 for Solaris

Windows Media Player SDK banner art

The following methods, properties, and events are currently supported for use with the Windows Media Player Version 6.3 for Solaris using the Netscape Navigator plug-in.

Windows Media Player Version 6.3 for Solaris supports the following methods.

Method Description
AboutBox Displays version and copyright information about the Windows Media Player control.
Cancel Cancels the Open method before the file completes opening.
GetCodecDescription Retrieves the descriptive name of the given codec.
GetCodecInstalled Retrieves a value specifying whether a given codec is installed.
GetCurrentEntry Retrieves the current clip being played by the Windows Media Player control.
GetMarkerName Retrieves the name of a marker, given its marker number.
GetMarkerTime Retrieves a value specifying the presentation time of a given marker.
GetMediaInfoString Retrieves show or clip information.
Next Jumps to the next clip in a playlist.
Open Asynchronously opens a specified clip.
Pause Suspends playback at the current position in the clip.
Play Starts playing a clip from the starting position or continues playing a paused or stopped clip.
Previous Jumps to the previous clip in a playlist.
Stop Stops playback of the current clip.

Windows Media Player Version 6.3 for Solaris supports the following properties.

Property Description
AutoStart Sets or retrieves a value specifying whether to start playing the clip automatically.
Bandwidth Retrieves the bandwidth of the current clip in bits per second.
BaseURL Retrieves a value specifying the base URL.
BufferingCount Retrieves a value specifying the number of times buffering occurred during playback of a clip.
BufferingProgress Retrieves a value specifying the percentage of buffering completed.
BufferingTime Retrieves a value specifying the buffering time in seconds.
CanSeek Retrieves a value specifying whether the current file has the ability to seek to a specific time.
CanSeekToMarkers Retrieves a value specifying whether markers in the file can be located with a seek operation.
CaptioningID Retrieves a value representing the name of the frame or control that displays captioning.
ChannelDescription Retrieves the station description.
ChannelName Retrieves the station name.
ChannelURL Retrieves a value representing the URL of the station metafile.
ClientID Retrieves a value indicating the unique ID of a client.
ConnectionSpeed Retrieves a value specifying the bandwidth selected during setup.
ContactAddress Retrieves a value representing the station's contact address.
ContactEmail Retrieves a value representing the station's e-mail address.
ContactPhone Retrieves a value representing the station's contact telephone number.
CurrentMarker Sets or retrieves a value indicating the current marker number.
CurrentPosition Sets or retrieves a value representing the clip's current position, in seconds.
DefaultFrame Sets or retrieves a value representing the default target HTTP frame.
DisplaySize Sets or retrieves a value specifying the size of the image display window.
Duration Retrieves a value indicating the clip's playing time in seconds.
EntryCount Returns the number of entries contained in the current Advanced Stream Redirector (ASX) file.
ErrorCode Retrieves a value specifying the current error code.
ErrorDescription Retrieves a value specifying the description of the current error state.
FileName Sets or retrieves a value specifying the name of the clip to play.
HasError Retrieves a value specifying whether the Windows Media Player control currently has an error.
HasMultipleItems Retrieves a value specifying whether the current clip contains multiple items (playlists).
ImageSourceHeight Retrieves a value specifying the original image height of the current clip, in pixels.
ImageSourceWidth Retrieves a value specifying the original image width of the current clip, in pixels.
InvokeURLs Sets or retrieves a value specifying whether the Windows Media Player control automatically invokes URLs in a browser.
IsBroadcast Retrieves a value specifying whether the source is broadcast.
IsDurationValid Retrieves a value specifying whether the value of the Duration property is valid.
Language Retrieves a value specifying the current locale used for national language support.
LostPackets Retrieves a value specifying the number of packets lost during transmission of the stream.
MarkerCount Retrieves a value specifying the number of markers in the current clip.
Mute Sets or retrieves a value indicating the current mute state of the Windows Media Player control.
OpenState Retrieves a value indicating the state of the content source.
PlayCount Sets or retrieves a value indicating the number of times a clip plays.
PlayState Retrieves a value indicating the state of the Windows Media Player operation.
PreviewMode Sets or retrieves a value specifying whether Windows Media Player is in preview mode.
Rate Sets or retrieves a value specifying the clip's playback rate.
ReadyState Retrieves a value specifying the state of readiness of the Windows Media Player control.
ReceivedPackets Retrieves a value specifying the number of packets received.
ReceptionQuality Retrieves a value specifying the percentage of packets received in the last 30 seconds.
RecoveredPackets Retrieves a value specifying the number of packets recovered.
SAMIFileName Sets or retrieves a value specifying the file that contains the information needed for closed captioning.
SAMILang Retrieves a value specifying the language displayed for closed captioning.
SAMIStyle Retrieves a value representing the closed captioning style.
SelectionEnd Sets or retrieves a value specifying the time when playback of the current clip will stop.
SelectionStart Sets or retrieves a value specifying where playback of the current clip will begin.
SendErrorEvents Sets or retrieves a value specifying whether the Windows Media Player control sends error events.
SendKeyboardEvents Sets or retrieves a value specifying whether the Windows Media Player control sends keyboard events.
SendMouseClickEvents Sets or retrieves a value specifying whether the Windows Media Player control sends mouse click events.
SendMouseMoveEvents Sets or retrieves a value specifying whether the Windows Media Player control sends mouse move events.
SendOpenStateChangeEvents Sets or retrieves a value specifying whether the Windows Media Player control sends open state change events.
SendPlayStateChangeEvents Sets or retrieves a value specifying whether the Windows Media Player control sends play state change events.
SendWarningEvents Sets or retrieves a value specifying whether the Windows Media Player control sends warning events.
ShowAudioControls Sets or retrieves a value specifying whether the audio controls appear on the control bar.
ShowCaptioning Sets or retrieves a value specifying whether the closed caption area is visible and closed captioning is enabled.
ShowControls Sets or retrieves a value specifying whether the control bar is visible.
ShowDisplay Sets or retrieves a value specifying whether the display panel is visible.
ShowGotoBar Sets or retrieves a value specifying whether the Go To bar is visible.
ShowPositionControls Sets or retrieves a value specifying whether the position controls appear on the control bar.
ShowStatusBar Sets or retrieves a value specifying whether the status bar is visible.
ShowTracker Sets or retrieves a value specifying whether the trackbar is visible.
SourceLink Retrieves a value specifying the path to the current clip.
Volume Sets or retrieves a value specifying the volume, in hundredths of a decibel.

Windows Media Player Version 6.3 for Solaris supports the following events.

Event Description
Buffering Occurs when the Windows Media Player control begins or ends buffering.
Click Occurs when a user clicks the mouse with the cursor on the Windows Media Player control.
DblClick Occurs when a user double-clicks the mouse with the cursor on the Windows Media Player control.
Disconnect Occurs when the Windows Media Player control is disconnected from the server.
DisplayModeChange Occurs when the DisplayMode property changes.
EndOfStream Occurs when the end of the clip is reached.
Error Occurs when the Windows Media Player control has an error condition.
KeyDown Occurs when a key is pressed.
KeyPress Occurs when a key is pressed and released.
KeyUp Occurs when a key is released.
MarkerHit Occurs when a marker is reached.
MouseDown Occurs when a mouse button is pressed.
MouseMove Occurs when the mouse pointer is moved.
MouseUp Occurs when a mouse button is released.
NewStream Occurs when a new stream is started in a station.
OpenStateChange Occurs when the Windows Media Player control changes its open state.
PlayStateChange Occurs when the Windows Media Player control changes its play state.
PositionChange Occurs when the current media position moves to a new position.
ReadyStateChange Occurs when the Windows Media Player control's state of readiness changes.
ScriptCommand Occurs when a synchronized command or URL is received.
Warning Occurs when the Windows Media Player control encounters a possible problem.