HD DVD Programming Guide

This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.

The HD DVD programming guide explains and demonstrates key concepts of authoring interactive HD DVD (iHD) content.

This programming guide is not comprehensive, and for that reason we strongly recommended that you have a copy of the official HD DVD specification. For links to the specification and other resources, see For More Information.


Section Decscription
HD DVD Overview Briefly introduces HD DVD as it pertains to authoring iHD experiences.
File Types and Directory Structure Outlines the primary files types involved in iHD content and the directory structure.
XML Overview Briefly introduces the topic of XML as it pertains to HD DVD.
HD DVD Rendering Stack Describes the order in which the different layers of an HD DVD frame are rendered.
Document Object Model Explains what the Document Object Model is.
Titles Describes iHD titles, and title elements in a playlist file.
Markup Elements Describes the primary XML elements in markup files.
Attributes and Properties Describes the core attributes related to iHD authoring.
Working with Events Describes how to fire and handle events.
Modifying Elements from Script Explains how to use script to modify elements and their properties.
Animation and Timing Outlines the basic concepts related to animation and timing.
Using XPath Describes how to refer to elements in markup using XPath and the Select attribute.

See Also