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MasterPages Collection [Publisher 2003 VBA Language Reference]

Multiple objects

Represents the page master for a publication after which all pages in the publication will be designed. The MasterPages object is a collection of Page objects.

Using the MasterPages collection

Use the MasterPages property to return a MasterPages object. The following example adds two ruler guides to the master page so that each page in the active publication is divided into quarters.

Sub ChangeMasterPage()
        Dim intWidth As Integer
    Dim intHeight As Integer

    With ActiveDocument
        intWidth = .PageSetup.PageWidth
        intWidth = intWidth / 2
        intHeight = .PageSetup.PageHeight
        intHeight = intHeight / 2
        With .MasterPages(1).RulerGuides
            .Add Position:=intWidth, _
            .Add Position:=intHeight, _
        End With
    End With
End Sub

Use the Shapes property to work with AutoShapes and text boxes on the master page. This example adds a small red heart shape to the upper left corner of the master page that will appear on each page in the active publication.

Sub AddShapeToMasterPage()
    ActiveDocument.MasterPages(1).Shapes.AddShape(Type:=msoShapeHeart, _
        Left:=36, Top:=36, Width:=36, Height:=36).Fill _
        .ForeColor.RGB = RGB(Red:=255, Green:=0, Blue:=0)
End Sub

Properties | Application Property | Count Property | Item Property | Parent Property

Methods | Add Method | FindByPageID Method

Parent Objects | Document

Child Objects | HeaderFooter | LayoutGuides | Page | PageBackground | ReaderSpread | RulerGuides | Shapes | Tags | WebPageOptions | Wizard