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LayoutGuides Object [Publisher 2003 VBA Language Reference]

Multiple objects

Represents the measurement grid that appears superimposed on publication pages as an aid to laying out design elements.

Using the LayoutGuides object

Use the LayoutGuides property of the Document object to return a LayoutGuides object. Use the LayoutGuide object's margin properties and Rows and Columns properties to set how many rows and columns are displayed in the layout guides and where they appear on a page.

This example sets the margins of the active presentation to two inches.

With ActiveDocument.LayoutGuides
    .MarginTop = Application.InchesToPoints(Value:=2)
    .MarginBottom = Application.InchesToPoints(Value:=2)
    .MarginLeft = Application.InchesToPoints(Value:=2)
    .MarginRight = Application.InchesToPoints(Value:=2)
End With

Properties | Application Property | ColumnGutterWidth Property | Columns Property | GutterCenterlines Property | HorizontalBaseLineOffset Property | HorizontalBaseLineSpacing Property | MarginBottom Property | MarginLeft Property | MarginRight Property | MarginTop Property | MirrorGuides Property | Parent Property | RowGutterWidth Property | Rows Property | VerticalBaseLineOffset Property | VerticalBaseLineSpacing Property

Parent Objects | Document Object | Page Object

Child Objects