Window Object [Visio 2003 SDK Documentation]

Multiple objects
Multiple objects

Represents an open window in a Microsoft Office Visio instance.

Version added



The default property of a Window object is Application.

To retrieve

  • the active window in an instance of Visio, use the ActiveWindow property of an Application object.
  • a Page object that represents the page shown in the window, use the Page property of a Window object.
  • a Document object that represents the document displayed in that window, use the Document property.
  • a Selection object that represents the shapes selected in that window, use the Selection property.

Note  Beginning with Microsoft Visio 2002, the following methods of the Window object are obsolete: AddToGroup, Cut, Combine, Copy, Delete, Duplicate, Fragment, Group, Intersect, Join RemoveFromGroup, Subtract, Trim, and Union. Existing solutions that invoke these methods will continue to work properly; however, new or rebuilt solutions should use these methods with the Selection object.

In addition, the Window object's Paste method is now obsolete. Use the Paste or PasteSpecial method of the Page, Master, or Shape object. (Use the Shape object in the case of group shapes.)

Properties | AllowEditing property | BackgroundColor property | BackgroundColorGradient property | Caption property | Document property | EventList property | ID property | Index property | InPlace property | IsEditingOLE property | IsEditingText property | Master property | MasterShortcut property | MergeCaption property | MergeClass property | MergeID property | MergePosition property | ObjectType property | Page property | PageTabWidth property | ParentWindow property | PersistsEvents property | ReviewerMarkupVisible property | ScrollLock property | SelectedCell property | SelectedMasters property | SelectedText property | Selection property | Shape property | ShowConnectPoints property | ShowGrid property | ShowGuides property | ShowPageBreaks property | ShowPageOutline property | ShowPageTabs property | ShowRulers property | ShowScrollBars property | Stat property | SubType property | Type property | ViewFit property | Visible property | WindowHandle32 property | Windows property | WindowState property | Zoom property | ZoomBehavior property | ZoomLock property

Methods | Activate method | Close method | DeselectAll method | DockedStencils method | GetViewRect method | GetWindowRect method | NewWindow method | Scroll method | ScrollViewTo method | Select method | SelectAll method | SetViewRect method | SetWindowRect method

Events | BeforeWindowClosed event | BeforeWindowPageTurn event | BeforeWindowSelDelete event | KeyDown event | KeyPress event | KeyUp event | MouseDown event | MouseMove event | MouseUp event | OnKeystrokeMessageForAddon event | QueryCancelWindowClose event | SelectionChanged event | ViewChanged event | WindowActivated event | WindowChanged event | WindowCloseCanceled event | WindowTurnedToPage event

Parent Objects | Application Object | Global Object | InvisibleApp Object | KeyboardEvent Object | MouseEvent Object | Window Object | Windows Collection

Child Objects | Cell Object | Characters Object | Document Object | EventList Object | MasterShortcut Object | Selection Object | Shape Object | Window Object | Windows Object

See Also | ActiveWindow property | Application object | Document object | Document property | Page object | Selection object | Selection property | Windows collection