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ObjectType Property [Visio 2003 SDK Documentation]

Returns an object's type.

intRet = object**.ObjectType**

intRet     Integer. The type of the object.

object     Required. An expression that returns an object in the Applies to list.

Version added



Constants representing object types are prefixed with visObjType and are declared by the Visio type library in VisObjectTypes.


This function shows how to use the ObjectType property of a page to iterate recursively through a group and identify the top shape.

Public Sub ObjectType_Example()

    Dim vsoShape As Visio.Shape
    Dim vsoShapes As Visio.Shapes
    Dim vsoPage As Visio.Page
    Application.ActiveWindow.Page.Drop Application.Documents.Item("BASIC_U.VSS").Masters.ItemU("Pentagon"), 3#, 8.5

    Application.ActiveWindow.Page.Drop Application.Documents.Item("BASIC_U.VSS").Masters.ItemU("Ellipse"), 3#, 7.625

    Application.ActiveWindow.Page.Drop Application.Documents.Item("BASIC_U.VSS").Masters.ItemU("Rounded rectangle"), 3#, 7#

    Application.ActiveWindow.Page.Drop Application.Documents.Item("BASIC_U.VSS").Masters.ItemU("Circle"), 3#, 6.25


    ActiveWindow.Select Application.ActiveWindow.Page.Shapes.ItemU("Circle"), visSelect
    ActiveWindow.Select Application.ActiveWindow.Page.Shapes.ItemU("Rounded rectangle"), visSelect
    ActiveWindow.Select Application.ActiveWindow.Page.Shapes.ItemU("Ellipse"), visSelect
    ActiveWindow.Select Application.ActiveWindow.Page.Shapes.ItemU("Pentagon"), visSelect
    Set vsoPage = ActivePage
    Set vsoShapes = vsoPage.Shapes
    Set vsoShape = vsoShapes.Item(2)
    Call GetTopShape(vsoShape)

End Sub

Function GetTopShape(vsoShape As Visio.Shape) As String

    Dim vsoShapeParent As Object
    Dim vsoShapeParentParent As Object

    Set vsoShapeParent = vsoShape.Parent

    If vsoShapeParent.ObjectType = visObjTypeShape Then

        Set vsoShapeParentParent = vsoShapeParent.Parent

        'If vsoShapeParent's parent isn't a page, keep going up.
        If vsoShapeParentParent.ObjectType = visObjTypePage Then
            GetTopShape = vsoShapeParent.Name
            GetTopShape = GetTopShape(vsoShapeParent)
        End If

    End If
    Debug.Print vsoShapeParent.Name

End Function

Applies to | Addon object | Addons collection | Application object | ApplicationSettings object | Cell object | Characters object | Color object | Colors collection | Connect object | Connects collection | Curve object | Document object | Documents collection | Event object | EventList collection | Font object | Fonts collection | Hyperlink object | Hyperlinks collection | InvisibleApp object | KeyboardEvent object | Layer object | Layers collection | Master object | Masters collection | MasterShortcut object | MasterShortcuts collection | MouseEvent object | MSGWrap object | OLEObject object | OLEObjects collection | Page object | Pages collection | Path object | Paths collection | Row object | Section object | Selection object | Shape object | Shapes collection | Style object | Styles collection | Window object | Windows collection