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iTV C++ Reference

The interfaces and methods here are used to get and parse the embedded data in the TV stream, including tag packets and DSMCC sections.

The iTV API exposes the following function.

Function Description
GetITVDataSource Main entry point function to get the main interface for all data handling.

The iTV API exposes the following interfaces.

Interface Description
IiTvDataAttribute Deserializes data sample attributes from the iTVVM Data Sink filter.
IiTvDataReceiver Represents the low level data receiver/processor object in the application. 
IiTvDataSource This interface is the main interface to ITV VM data.
IiTvDataStreamControl Used to control which streams will be sent to the application.

The iTV API exposes the following structures and enumerations.

Structure or Enumeration Description
ITV_PBDA_TAG_ATTRIBUTE Structure that defines a PBDA TAG.
ITV_TRANSPORT_PROPERTIES Structure that defines the ITV Transport properties.
ITVDATA_FILTERING_METHOD_PID A value that indicates streams are filtered by packet identifier (PID).
ITVDATA_FILTERING_METHOD_TAG_TABLE_UUID A value that indicates streams are filtered by TAG TABLE UUID.
ITVDATA_FILTERING_NONE A value that indicates streams are not filtered.

See Also