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IiTvDataReceiver Interface

This interface is implemented by the application. The purpose of this interface is to represent the low level data receiver/processor object in the application. This object provides its needs to the iTVVM Data Sink filter, receives control if requested of the stream filtering by stream ID, configures cache, and receives data along with any attributes. The iTVVM Data Sink filter also provides the object implementing this interface with state, synced with incoming data.

In addition to the methods inherited from IUnknown, the IiTvDataReceiver interface exposes the following methods.

Method Description
get_CachingLength Allows the application to specify the length of caching.
get_StreamControlByType Allows the application to filter by type of stream.
Initialize Allows the application to initialize before data starts flowing.
Receive The main callback to the application with the data.
Start Notifies the application that data will start flowing to it.
Stop Notifies the application that data will stop flowing to it.
Terminate Notifies the application that the ITVDataSource is terminating and no further calls should be made to it.


Header: TVVMData.idl

Platform: Windows 7

See Also