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How to: Create a Ribbon Tab

To create a custom Ribbon tab, you must implement the following classes:

The classes that you implement to create a Ribbon tab are also used to implement a report designer. For an example, see How to: Create Report Designers.

The examples that follow create a Ribbon tab in PerformancePoint Dashboard Designer.

Implementing ReportViewFactory

The following code example connects your extension to Dashboard Designer.

using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using CustomPlugin.Properties;
using Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.Modeler.Framework;
using Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.Modeler.Framework.Utilities;
using Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.ModelerPlugins.ReportViews;

namespace CustomPlugin

    // Define properties for your custom Ribbon tab.
    public class CustomPluginFactory : ReportViewFactory
        private CustomPluginPanel customPluginPanel = new CustomPluginPanel();
        private Image image = Resources.CustomPlugin;
        public static readonly string CustomReportName = "CustomPluginReport";
        private string displayName = "Custom Plugin Report";
        public static string CustomPluginTabId = "CustomPluginTab";
        public ToolStripButton Tab;

        public CustomPluginFactory()

        public override void Initialize()

            // Check for the custom Ribbon tab and add it if it does
            // not yet exist.
            If (MainForm.GetInstance().GetOfficeRibbonPanel(CustomPluginPanel.PanelId) == null)
                Tab = MainForm.GetInstance().OfficeRibbonTab.AddTabButton("Custom Plugin Tab", CustomPluginTabId, ModelerColors.AlternateText, Keys.X, "X");
                Tab.Visible = true; 
                MainForm.GetInstance().OfficeRibbonTab.OfficeRibbonTabPage.AddOfficeRibbonPanel(customPluginPanel, CustomPluginTabId);

        // Create and return a copy of your custom Ribbon tab.
        public override ReportViewEditorControl CreateReportViewEditorControl()
            return CustomPluginEditorControl.Instance;

        public override Image Image
            get { return image; }

        public override string ReportName
            get { return CustomReportName; }

        public override string DisplayName
            get { return displayName; }

Implementing ReportViewEditorControl

In the previous example, the CustomPluginFactory class references the CustomPluginEditorControl class. In the following code example, CustomPluginEditorControl inherits from the ReportViewEditorControl class and overrides appropriate methods to create a Ribbon tab.

using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards;
using Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.Modeler.Framework.Utilities;
using Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards.ModelerPlugins.ReportViews;

namespace CustomPlugin
    public partial class CustomPluginEditorControl : ReportViewEditorControl

        private static CustomPluginEditorControl customPluginEditorControl;

        public static CustomPluginEditorControl Instance
            get { return customPluginEditorControl; }

        static CustomPluginEditorControl()
            customPluginEditorControl = new CustomPluginEditorControl();

        private CustomPluginEditorControl()

        // Override the SetElement method.
        // The overriden method is called when the item is selected
        // in the Workspace Browser.
        public override void SetElement(ReportView reportView, UndoManager undoManager)

        // Override the SetSummaryPanel method.
        // The overridden method is called when the item is selected
        // in the Workspace Browser.
        public override void SetSummaryPanel(ReportViewSummaryTab summary)

        public override Guid ReportViewId
            get { return Guid.Empty; }

        public override TextBox WidthTextBox
            get { return null; }

        public override TextBox HeightTextBox
            get { return null; }

        public override CheckBox AppendPageFiltersCheckBox
            get { return null; }

See Also


How to: Install a Ribbon Extension


How to: Create a Report Wizard Template
How to: Create a Ribbon Panel and Button

Other Resources

Ribbon Items