Getting Started with the MapPoint Web Service SDK
Getting Started with the MapPoint Web Service SDK
This section contains information about using the documentation set, contacting product support, and using accessibility features.
Introducing MapPoint Web Service
Gives a high-level overview of MapPoint Web Service and tips for getting started.
Using MapPoint Web Service Help
Describes the document conventions in this SDK, as well as strategies for locating information within it.
Describes options for product support.
Lists suppliers of MapPoint Web Service map data and point-of-interest data.
Contains MapPoint Web Service copyright information.
Developing with MapPoint Web Service
Contains conceptual information about developing applications and Web services that call the MapPoint Web Service SOAP API.
Includes the reference documentation of the classes, methods, properties, and enumerations for the MapPoint Web Service SOAP API, with examples in Microsoft Visual Basic .NET and Microsoft Visual C#.
Contains descriptions of the sample code and sample controls installed with this SDK for common uses of MapPoint Web Service.