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ObjectFrame Object [Access 2003 VBA Language Reference]


This object corresponds to an unbound object frame. The unbound object frame control displays a picture, chart, or any OLE object not stored in a table.

For example, you can use an unbound object frame to display a chart that you created and stored in Microsoft Graph.

This control allows you to create or edit the object from within a Microsoft Access form or report by using the application in which the object was originally created.

To display objects that are stored in a Microsoft Access database, use a bound object frame control .

The object in an unbound object frame is the same for every record.

The unbound object frame can display linked or embedded objects.


image control

Properties | Action Property | AutoActivate Property | BackColor Property | BackStyle Property | BorderColor Property | BorderStyle Property | BorderWidth Property | Class Property | ColumnCount Property | ColumnHeads Property | Controls Property | ControlTipText Property | ControlType Property | DisplayType Property | DisplayWhen Property | Enabled Property | EventProcPrefix Property | Height Property | HelpContextId Property | InSelection Property | IsVisible Property | Item Property | Left Property | LinkChildFields Property | LinkMasterFields Property | Locked Property | LpOleObject Property | Name Property | Object Property | ObjectPalette Property | ObjectVerbs Property | ObjectVerbsCount Property | OldBorderStyle Property | OldValue Property | OLEClass Property | OLEType Property | OLETypeAllowed Property | OnClick Property | OnDblClick Property | OnEnter Property | OnExit Property | OnGotFocus Property | OnLostFocus Property | OnMouseDown Property | OnMouseMove Property | OnMouseUp Property | OnUpdated Property | Properties Property | RowSource Property | RowSourceType Property | Scaling Property | Section Property | ShortcutMenuBar Property | SizeMode Property | SourceDoc Property | SourceItem Property | SourceObject Property | SpecialEffect Property | StatusBarText Property | TabIndex Property | TabStop Property | Tag Property | Top Property | UpdateOptions Property | UpdateOptions Property | Verb Property | Visible Property | Width Property

Methods | Move Method | Requery Method | SetFocus Method | SizeToFit Method

Events | Click Event | DblClick Event | Enter Event | Exit Event | GotFocus Event | LostFocus Event | MouseDown Event | MouseMove Event | MouseUp Event | Updated Event

Parent Objects

Child Objects | Properties Object