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ListBox Object [Access 2003 VBA Language Reference]


This object corresponds to a list box control. The list box control displays a list of values or alternatives.

In many cases, it's quicker and easier to select a value from a list than to remember a value to type. A list of choices also helps ensure that the value that's entered in a field is correct.

Control: Tool:
List box List box control

Note  The list in a list box consists of rows of data. Rows can have one or more columns, which can appear with or without headings.

Multiple-column list box

Note  This control should not be confused with the Dynamic HTML list box control used on a data access page. For information about a list box control on a data access page, see List Box Control (Data Access Pages).

If a multiple-column list box is bound, Microsoft Access stores the values from one of the columns.

You can use an unbound list box to store a value that you can use with another control. For example, you could use an unbound list box to limit the values in another list box or in a custom dialog box. You could also use an unbound list box to find a record based on the value you select in the list box.

If you don't have room on your form to display a list box, or if you want to be able to type new values as well as select values from a list, use a combo box instead of a list box.

Properties | AddColon Property | AfterUpdate Property | AutoLabel Property | BackColor Property | BeforeUpdate Property | BorderColor Property | BorderStyle Property | BorderWidth Property | BoundColumn Property | Column Property | ColumnCount Property | ColumnHeads Property | ColumnHidden Property | ColumnOrder Property | ColumnWidth Property | ColumnWidths Property | Controls Property | ControlSource Property | ControlTipText Property | ControlType Property | DefaultValue Property | DisplayWhen Property | Enabled Property | EventProcPrefix Property | FontBold Property | FontItalic Property | FontName Property | FontSize Property | FontUnderline Property | FontWeight Property | ForeColor Property | Height Property | HelpContextId Property | HideDuplicates Property | Hyperlink Property | IMEHold/HoldKanjiConversionMode Property | IMEMode/KanjiConversion Property | IMESentenceMode Property | InSelection Property | IsVisible Property | ItemData Property | ItemsSelected Property | LabelAlign Property | LabelX Property | LabelY Property | Left Property | ListCount Property | ListIndex Property | Locked Property | MultiSelect Property | Name Property | NumeralShapes Property | OldBorderStyle Property | OldValue Property | OnClick Property | OnDblClick Property | OnEnter Property | OnExit Property | OnGotFocus Property | OnKeyDown Property | OnKeyPress Property | OnKeyUp Property | OnLostFocus Property | OnMouseDown Property | OnMouseMove Property | OnMouseUp Property | Properties Property | ReadingOrder Property | Recordset Property | RowSource Property | RowSourceType Property | ScrollBarAlign Property | Section Property | Selected Property | ShortcutMenuBar Property | SmartTags Property | SpecialEffect Property | StatusBarText Property | TabIndex Property | TabStop Property | Tag Property | Top Property | ValidationRule Property | ValidationText Property | Value Property | Visible Property | Width Property

Methods | AddItem Method | Move Method | RemoveItem Method | Requery Method | SetFocus Method | SizeToFit Method | Undo Method

Events | AfterUpdate Event | BeforeUpdate Event | Click Event | DblClick Event | Enter Event | Exit Event | GotFocus Event | KeyDown Event | KeyPress Event | KeyUp Event | LostFocus Event | MouseDown Event | MouseMove Event | MouseUp Event

Parent Objects

Child Objects | Properties Object