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ComboBox Object [Access 2003 VBA Language Reference]

Multiple objects

This object corresponds to a combo box control. The combo box control combines the features of a text box and a list box. Use a combo box when you want the option of either typing a value or selecting a value from a predefined list.

Control: Tool:
Control Control

Note  This control should not be confused with the Dynamic HTML drop-down list box control used on a data access page. For information about a drop-down list box control on a data access page, see Drop-down List Box Control (Data Access Page).

In Form view, Microsoft Access doesn't display the list until you click the combo box's arrow.

If you have Control Wizards on before you select the combo box tool, you can create a combo box with a wizard. To turn Control Wizards on or off, click the Control Wizards tool Button image in the toolbox.

The setting of the LimitToList property determines whether you can enter values that aren't in the list.

The list can be single- or multiple-column, and the columns can appear with or without headings.

Properties | AddColon Property | AfterUpdate Property | AllowAutoCorrect Property | AutoExpand Property | AutoLabel Property | BackColor Property | BackStyle Property | BeforeUpdate Property | BorderColor Property | BorderStyle Property | BorderWidth Property | BoundColumn Property | Column Property | ColumnCount Property | ColumnHeads Property | ColumnHidden Property | ColumnOrder Property | ColumnWidth Property | ColumnWidths Property | Controls Property | ControlSource Property | ControlTipText Property | ControlType Property | DecimalPlaces Property | DefaultValue Property | DisplayWhen Property | Enabled Property | EventProcPrefix Property | FontBold Property | FontItalic Property | FontName Property | FontSize Property | FontUnderline Property | FontWeight Property | ForeColor Property | Format Property | FormatConditions Property | Height Property | HelpContextId Property | HideDuplicates Property | Hyperlink Property | IMEHold/HoldKanjiConversionMode Property | IMEMode/KanjiConversion Property | IMESentenceMode Property | InputMask Property | InSelection Property | IsHyperlink Property | IsVisible Property | ItemData Property | KeyboardLanguage Property | LabelAlign Property | LabelX Property | LabelY Property | Left Property | LimitToList Property | ListCount Property | ListIndex Property | ListRows Property | ListWidth Property | Locked Property | Name Property | NumeralShapes Property | OldBorderStyle Property | OldValue Property | OnChange Property | OnClick Property | OnDblClick Property | OnDirty Property | OnEnter Property | OnExit Property | OnGotFocus Property | OnKeyDown Property | OnKeyPress Property | OnKeyUp Property | OnLostFocus Property | OnMouseDown Property | OnMouseMove Property | OnMouseUp Property | OnNotInList Property | OnUndo Property | Properties Property | ReadingOrder Property | Recordset Property | RowSource Property | RowSourceType Property | ScrollBarAlign Property | Section Property | SelLength Property | SelStart Property | SelText Property | ShortcutMenuBar Property | SmartTags Property | SpecialEffect Property | StatusBarText Property | TabIndex Property | TabStop Property | Tag Property | Text Property | TextAlign Property | Top Property | ValidationRule Property | ValidationText Property | Value Property | Visible Property | Width Property

Methods | AddItem Method | Dropdown Method | Move Method | RemoveItem Method | Requery Method | SetFocus Method | SizeToFit Method | Undo Method

Events | AfterUpdate Event | BeforeUpdate Event | Change Event | Click Event | DblClick Event | Dirty Event | Enter Event | Exit Event | GotFocus Event | KeyDown Event | KeyPress Event | KeyUp Event | LostFocus Event | MouseDown Event | MouseMove Event | MouseUp Event | NotInList Event | Undo Event

Parent Objects

Child Objects | FormatConditions Object | Properties Object