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FileStream.IsAsync Proprietà


Ottiene un valore che indica se FileStream è stato aperto in modalità sincrona o asincrona.

 virtual property bool IsAsync { bool get(); };
public virtual bool IsAsync { get; }
member this.IsAsync : bool
Public Overridable ReadOnly Property IsAsync As Boolean

Valore della proprietà

true se FileStream è stato aperto in modalità asincrona; in caso contrario, false.


Questo esempio di codice fa parte di un esempio più ampio fornito per il FileStream(String, FileMode, FileAccess, FileShare, Int32, Boolean) costruttore.

int main()
   // Create a synchronization object that gets 
   // signaled when verification is complete.
   ManualResetEvent^ manualEvent = gcnew ManualResetEvent( false );
   // Create the data to write to the file.
   array<Byte>^writeArray = gcnew array<Byte>(100000);
   (gcnew Random)->NextBytes( writeArray );
   FileStream^ fStream = gcnew FileStream(  "Test#@@#.dat",FileMode::Create,FileAccess::ReadWrite,FileShare::None,4096,true );
   // Check that the FileStream was opened asynchronously.
   Console::WriteLine( "fStream was {0}opened asynchronously.", fStream->IsAsync ? (String^)"" : "not " );
   // Asynchronously write to the file.
   IAsyncResult^ asyncResult = fStream->BeginWrite( writeArray, 0, writeArray->Length, gcnew AsyncCallback( &FStream::EndWriteCallback ), gcnew State( fStream,writeArray,manualEvent ) );
   // Concurrently do other work and then wait 
   // for the data to be written and verified.
   manualEvent->WaitOne( 5000, false );
static void Main()
    // Create a synchronization object that gets
    // signaled when verification is complete.
    ManualResetEvent manualEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);

    // Create random data to write to the file.
    byte[] writeArray = new byte[100000];
    new Random().NextBytes(writeArray);

    FileStream fStream =
        new FileStream("Test#@@#.dat", FileMode.Create,
        FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None, 4096, true);

    // Check that the FileStream was opened asynchronously.
    Console.WriteLine("fStream was {0}opened asynchronously.",
        fStream.IsAsync ? "" : "not ");

    // Asynchronously write to the file.
    IAsyncResult asyncResult = fStream.BeginWrite(
        writeArray, 0, writeArray.Length,
        new AsyncCallback(EndWriteCallback),
        new State(fStream, writeArray, manualEvent));

    // Concurrently do other work and then wait
    // for the data to be written and verified.
    manualEvent.WaitOne(5000, false);
// Create a synchronization object that gets
// signaled when verification is complete.
let manualEvent = new ManualResetEvent false

// Create random data to write to the file.
let writeArray = Array.zeroCreate 100000
Random.Shared.NextBytes writeArray

let fStream =
    new FileStream("Test#@@#.dat", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None, 4096, true)

// Check that the FileStream was opened asynchronously.

if fStream.IsAsync then "" else "not "
|> printfn "fStream was %sopened asynchronously."

// Asynchronously write to the file.
let asyncResult =
        AsyncCallback endWriteCallback,
        State(fStream, writeArray, manualEvent)

// Concurrently do other work and then wait
// for the data to be written and verified.
manualEvent.WaitOne(5000, false) |> ignore
Shared Sub Main()

    ' Create a synchronization object that gets 
    ' signaled when verification is complete.
    Dim manualEvent As New ManualResetEvent(False)

    ' Create random data to write to the file.
    Dim writeArray(100000) As Byte
    Dim randomGenerator As New Random()

    Dim fStream As New FileStream("Test#@@#.dat", _
        FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite, _
        FileShare.None, 4096, True)

    ' Check that the FileStream was opened asynchronously.
    If fStream.IsAsync = True
        Console.WriteLine("fStream was opened asynchronously.")
        Console.WriteLine("fStream was not opened asynchronously.")
    End If

    ' Asynchronously write to the file.
    Dim asyncResult As IAsyncResult = fStream.BeginWrite( _
        writeArray, 0, writeArray.Length, _
        AddressOf EndWriteCallback , _
        New State(fStream, writeArray, manualEvent))

    ' Concurrently do other work and then wait
    ' for the data to be written and verified.
    manualEvent.WaitOne(5000, False)
End Sub


La IsAsync proprietà rileva se l'handle FileStream è stato aperto in modo asincrono, consentendo al codice di usare correttamente la Handle proprietà . In Win32, essendo true significa IsAsync che l'handle è stato aperto per le operazioni di I/O sovrapposte e quindi richiede parametri diversi per ReadFile e WriteFile.

Questo valore viene specificato quando si crea un'istanza della FileStream classe usando un costruttore con un isAsyncparametro , useAsynco options . Quando la proprietà è true, il flusso utilizza operazioni di I/O sovrapposte per eseguire operazioni sui file in modo asincrono. Tuttavia, non è necessario che la IsAsync proprietà chiami true il ReadAsyncmetodo , WriteAsynco CopyToAsync . Quando la IsAsync proprietà è false e si chiamano le operazioni di lettura e scrittura asincrone, il thread dell'interfaccia utente non è ancora bloccato, ma l'operazione di I/O effettiva viene eseguita in modo sincrono.

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