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ApplicationSettings Object [Visio 2003 SDK Documentation]

Multiple objects

Represents various application settings for Microsoft Office Visio 2003.

Version added



Use the Settings property of the Application object to get an ApplicationSettings object, which you can then use to set various application properties corresponding to those in the Options dialog box (Tools menu) and the Snap & Glue dialog box (Tools menu).

The ApplicationSettings object has no default property.

Properties | AsianTextUI property | CenterSelectionOnZoom property | ComplexTextUI property | ConnectorSplittingEnabled property | DefaultSaveFormat property | DeveloperMode property | DrawingAids property | DrawingBackgroundColor property | DrawingBackgroundColorGradient property | DrawingPageColor property | FreeformDrawingPrecision property | FreeformDrawingSmoothing property | FullScreenBackgroundColor property | HigherQualityShapeDisplay property | KanaFindAndReplace property | ObjectType property | PrintPreviewBackgroundColor property | RecentFilesListSize property | ShowChooseDrawingTypePane property | ShowFileOpenWarnings property | ShowFileSaveWarnings property | ShowSmartTags property | ShowStartupDialog property | SmoothDrawing property | SnapStrengthExtensionsX property | SnapStrengthExtensionsY property | SnapStrengthGeometryX property | SnapStrengthGeometryY property | SnapStrengthGridX property | SnapStrengthGridY property | SnapStrengthGuidesX property | SnapStrengthGuidesY property | SnapStrengthPointsX property | SnapStrengthPointsY property | SnapStrengthRulerX property | SnapStrengthRulerY property | StencilBackgroundColor property | StencilBackgroundColorGradient property | StencilCharactersPerLine property | StencilLinesPerMaster property | StencilTextColor property | TextDisplayQuality property | UndoLevels property | UserInitials property | UserName property | ZoomOnRoll property

Parent Objects | Application Object | InvisibleApp Object

Child Objects

See Also | Application object | Settings property