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Addons Collection [Visio 2003 SDK Documentation]

Multiple objects

Represents the set of installed add-ons known to an Application object.

To retrieve an Addons collection, use the Addons property of an Application object.

Version added



The default property of an Addons collection is Item.

Installed add-ons are those Microsoft Office Visio finds in its Addons or StartUp paths, those that were installed during the initial setup of Visio, those you have installed by using a Microsoft Windows Installer package, or those that other add-ons have dynamically installed by using the Add method of the Addons collection.

Properties | Count property | Item property | ItemU property | ObjectType property

Methods | Add method | GetNames method | GetNamesU method

Parent Objects | Application Object | Global Object | InvisibleApp Object

Child Objects | Addon Object

See Also | Addon object | Addons property | Application object | Cells property | CellsSRC property | Shape object | Style object