DataGridViewHeaderCell.MouseLeaveUnsharesRow(Int32) Method


Indicates whether a row will be unshared when the mouse pointer leaves the row.

 override bool MouseLeaveUnsharesRow(int rowIndex);
protected override bool MouseLeaveUnsharesRow (int rowIndex);
override this.MouseLeaveUnsharesRow : int -> bool
Protected Overrides Function MouseLeaveUnsharesRow (rowIndex As Integer) As Boolean



The index of the row that the mouse pointer left.


true if the ButtonState property value is not Normal, visual styles are enabled, and the EnableHeadersVisualStyles property is true, and the DataGridView property is not null; otherwise, false.


For information about enabling visual styles, see the Application.EnableVisualStyles method.

MouseLeaveUnsharesRow is called just before OnMouseLeave. It must return true if the call to OnMouseLeave has the effect of unsharing the row rowIndex. It should return false otherwise.

For more information about row sharing, see Best Practices for Scaling the Windows Forms DataGridView Control.

Applies to

See also