XML Web Services Interoperability Resources


This page lists resources for creating interoperable XML Web services. The ability to easily serve and consume XML Web services using any SOAP or WSDL implementation, on any platform, using any language, is fundamental to creating a new distributed computing environment for application integration on the Internet. These same capabilities enable solving the application-to-application integration scenarios present in today's heterogeneous corporate environments. Microsoft is strongly committed to open standards and the collaboration needed to make XML Web services interoperable and ubiquitous.

Web Services Interoperability (WS-I) Organization is a cross-industry initiative designed to accelerate the development and deployment of interoperable Web services across platforms, applications, and programming languages.

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The following articles describe how to integrate Web services using various clients and server SOAP and WSDL implementations:

Q307324 HOW TO: Integrate a .NET Client with an Apache SOAP 2.2 XML Web Service

Q307318 HOW TO: Integrate a SOAP Toolkit Client with an Apache SOAP 2.2 XML Web Service

Q307279 HOW TO: Integrate an Apache SOAP 2.2 Client with a SOAP Toolkit XML Web Service

Q308438 HOW TO: Integrate a PERL/SOAP Lite Client with a SOAP Toolkit or .NET XML Web Service

Q308466 HOW TO: Integrate an Apache SOAP 2.2 Client with a .NET XML Web Service

Designing Your Web Service for Maximum Interoperability

Scott Seely discusses a number of things you can do to improve the ability of various SOAP tools to work together. He explains key SOAP interoperability design elements in the demo he showed at the 2001 Professional Developer’s Conference. Scott demonstrated an application running on a PocketPC: pocketSOAP interfaced with a Unix PC running Apache Tomcat and Apache SOAP, and that in turn interfaced with a Windows XP Professional installation of the IBuySpy sample Web site.

SOAPBuilders Interoperability Lab Round 1 Home Page

This page includes a list of SOAP implementations that participated in an initial round of interoperability testing conducted in June 2001. Details are provided on the test specification as well as how each of the participating implementations performed. This is useful to track how various SOAP implementations are faring on the road to interoperability. Bear in mind many of these implementations have already released updates to address interoperability problems identified in round one testing.

SOAPBuilders Interoperability Lab Round 2 Home Page

This page includes a list of SOAP implementations currently participating in a second round of interoperability testing. Details are provided on the test specification as well as how each of the participating implementations performed. Remember that some implementations have not completed their testing. Also, those implementations with posted results may have already released updates to address interoperability problems identified in the round two testing.

Yahoo SOAPBuilders Mailing List

Authors of SOAP implementations use this forum to discuss interoperability issues.

Advancing SOAP Interoperability

XMethods founder Tony Hong discusses the interoperability efforts behind the SOAPBuilders Mailing List and the SOAPBuilders Interoperability testing listed above.

Microsoft SOAP Interop Server

This is the server Microsoft uses to participate in the SOAPBuilders Interoperability Labs.

Web Services Interoperability and SOAP

Keith Ballinger presents a practical introduction to interoperability issues relating to RPC calls with SOAP including HTTP problems, XML issues, and SOAP discontinuities.

At Your Service: Interoperability Testing

Scott Seely devotes an At Your Service MSDN column to the importance of testing your Web service for interoperability based on his experiences writing client applications for the MSDN Favorites Service sample using five different SOAP implementations, including two from Microsoft and three from other sources (including an Apache SOAP Java client). His client sample source code is included.

Interoperability with Other SOAP Implementations

This page on Apache XML Project site discusses some interoperability issues using the Apache SOAP implementation.

Interoperability with the Microsoft SOAP Message Validator Sample Tool

This MSDN technical article describes the Microsoft SOAP Message Validator, a sample tool to verify that SOAP messages conform to the SOAP specification.