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Gateway Libraries

Gateway Libraries

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A gateway calls the functions contained in two types of auxiliary dynamic-link libraries (DLLs) to accomplish tasks that are integral to its performance. These functions are packaged as independent DLLs, rather than embedded in the gateway code itself, so that they can be easily accessed if changes are necessary.

Proxy Generation DLL

You must provide a proxy generation dynamic-link library (DLL) to be used with your gateway. The proxy generation DLL maps e-mail addresses between the Microsoft® Exchange format and the format of the foreign system.

For outgoing messages, the addresses of the sender and any Exchange Server recipients are converted to the address format of the foreign system. This enables the recipient on the foreign system to specify these addresses in their response.

For incoming messages, the proxy generation DLL maps the address of the Exchange Server recipient from the foreign system format to the Exchange format. This enables the server to deliver the message to the proper Exchange Server mailbox. Additionally, recipient addresses listed in the message are converted for those recipients that also have mailboxes on the server.

Conversion DLLs

When developing a gateway, you must also provide the conversion DLLs that the gateway uses to translate between the MAPI message format and the message format of the foreign system that the gateway serves.

A gateway enters as many conversion DLLs as it needs into the Microsoft Windows® 2000 Registry. The appropriate conversion function is then called when the gateway needs to translate each incoming and outgoing message. The XLATINST application registers the conversion DLLs for a gateway. For information about the XLATINST application, see Gateway Tools.

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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