DistinguishedPropertySetType Enum


The DistinguishedPropertySetType enumeration defines the well-known property set IDs for extended properties.

public enum class DistinguishedPropertySetType
public enum DistinguishedPropertySetType
Public Enum DistinguishedPropertySetType


Address 4

Identifies the address property set ID by name.

Appointment 1

Identifies the appointment property set ID by name.

CalendarAssistant 6

Identifies the calendar assistant property set ID by name.

Common 2

Identifies the common property set ID by name.

InternetHeaders 5

Identifies the Internet headers property set ID by name.

Meeting 0

Identifies the meeting property set ID by name.

PublicStrings 3

Identifies the public strings property set ID by name.

Sharing 9
Task 8

Identifies the task property set ID by name.

UnifiedMessaging 7

Identifies the Unified Messaging property set ID by name.


This enumeration is used by the DistinguishedPropertySetId property of the PathToExtendedFieldType object.

Applies to