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scriptOnly Element

Communications Server 2007 Server SDK Documentation

scriptOnly Element

Indicates that the application is an MSPL script-only application.


<lc:scriptOnly />



Child Elements


Parent Element



  • Include this element in the application manifest only if all application functionality is provided by the Microsoft SIP Processing Language (MSPL) script contained in the CDATA section of the message filtering script element (the splScript element). If an application is script-only, calling the MSPL Dispatch function will generate a compiler error.
  • For applications that include a managed code component, exclude this element from the application manifest.
  • The namespace prefix "lc" in the preceding usage example is the default namespace prefix, but can be replaced with any string value that you assign to your namespace using the xmlns attribute of the applicationManifest element.

See Also

SIP Application Manifests
Application Attribute Elements
SIP Application Manifest Example

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