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SIP Application Manifests

Communications Server 2007 Server SDK Documentation

SIP Application Manifests

The application manifest is an XML document that describes a SIP application to the Microsoft Office Communications Server on which the application runs. The manifest also contains the logic that dispatches specific types of SIP messages to the application, and filters other types. This document is presented to the server when the application registers with Office Communications Server through the Microsoft.Rtc.Sip.ServerAgent managed class.

An application manifest contains the following elements in the following order:

  1. An XML declaration. The declaration specifies that the application manifest uses XML version 1.0.
  2. An applicationManifest root element. The attributes of this element set the application namespace prefix and namespace name, and specify the location of the application.
  3. A set of Application Attribute Elements. These define key properties of the application, including the types of SIP messages to filter and whether the application is a script-only application.
  4. An splScript element. This element contains a CDATA section that encapsulates the message filtering script which is written using Microsoft SIP Processing Language (MSPL).

Note????There is no relationship between the application manifest and an assembly manifest in a managed application.

See Also

Creating an Application Manifest
Loading an Application Manifest
SIP Application Manifest Example
Microsoft SIP Processing Language Reference

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