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Windows Media Audio 9 Codec

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The Windows Media Audio 9 encoder object is instantiated using the class identifier CLSID_CWMAEncMediaObject. The decoder object is instantiated using the class identifier CLSID_CWMADecMediaObject. Windows Media Audio 9 encoded content is identified by the audio tag 0x161.

Encoder Properties

The following properties can be set on the Windows Media Audio 9 encoder.

Property Description
MFPKEY_BAVG Specifies the buffer window, in milliseconds, of a constrained variable-bit-rate (VBR) stream at its average bit rate (specified by MFPKEY_RAVG).
MFPKEY_BMAX Specifies the buffer window, in milliseconds, of a constrained variable-bit-rate (VBR) stream at its peak bit rate (specified by MFPKEY_RMAX).
MFPKEY_DECODERCOMPLEXITYPROFILE Specifies the device conformance template to which the encoded content conforms.
MFPKEY_ENDOFPASS Specifies the end of an encoding pass.
MFPKEY_MAXENCLATENCYMS Specifies the maximum latency for the encoder, in milliseconds.
MFPKEY_PASSESRECOMMENDED Specifies the maximum number of passes supported by the codec.
MFPKEY_PASSESUSED Specifies the number of passes that the codec will use to encode the content.
MFPKEY_RAVG Specifies the average bit rate, in bits per second, used for 2-pass variable-bit-rate (VBR) encoding.
MFPKEY_RMAX Specifies the peak bit rate, in bits per second, used for constrained 2-pass variable-bit-rate (VBR) encoding.
MFPKEY_VBRENABLED Specifies whether the codec will use variable-bit-rate (VBR) encoding.
MFPKEY_WMAENC_AVGBYTESPERSEC Specifies the average bytes per second in a quality-based variable-bit-rate (VBR) audio stream.
MFPKEY_WMAENC_ORIGWAVEFORMAT Specifies the WAVEFORMATEX structure describing the input audio content.

Decoder Properties

The following properties can be read on the Windows Media Audio 9 decoder.

Property Description
MFPKEY_Decoder_MaxNumPCMSamplesWithPaddedSilence Specifies the maximum number of additional PCM samples that might be returned at the end of decoding a file.

The following properties can be set on the Windows Media Audio 9 decoder.

Property Description
MFPKEY_BMAX Specifies the buffer window, in milliseconds, of a constrained variable-bit-rate (VBR) stream at its peak bit rate (specified by MFPKEY_RMAX).
MFPKEY_ENDOFPASS Specifies the end of an encoding pass.
MFPKEY_MAXDECLATENCYMS Specifies the maximum latency for the decoder, in milliseconds.
MFPKEY_PASSESRECOMMENDED Specifies the maximum number of passes supported by the codec.
MFPKEY_PASSESUSED Specifies the number of passes that the codec will use to encode the content.
MFPKEY_RMAX Specifies the peak bit rate, in bits per second, used for constrained 2-pass variable-bit-rate (VBR) encoding.
MFPKEY_VBRENABLED Specifies whether the codec will use variable-bit-rate (VBR) encoding.


An audio encoder or decoder object exposes the IMediaObject interface so that the object can be used as a DirectX Media Object (DMO), and the IMFTransform interface so that the object can be used as a Media Foundation Transform (MFT).

A Windows Media Audio 9 encoder or decoder behaves as a DMO or an MFT depending on which interfaces you obtain and which version of Windows is running. The following table shows the conditions under which an Audio 9 encoder or decoder behaves as a DMO or an MFT.

Operating system Encoder or decoder behavior
Windows XP A Windows Media Audio 9 encoder or decoder always behaves as a DMO.
Windows Vista By default, a Windows Media Audio 9 encoder or decoder behaves as a DMO. If you obtain an IMFTransform interface or an IPropertyStore interface on an Audio 9 encoder or decoder, it behaves as an MFT.
Windows 7 By default, a Windows media Audio 9 encoder or decoder behaves as a DMO. If you obtain an IMFTransform interface on an Audio 9 encoder or decoder, it behaves as an MFT.


Client: Requires Windows 7, Windows Vista, or Windows XP.

Header: Include wmcodecdsp.h.

Library: Use wmadmoe.dll for the encoder or wmadmod.dll for the decoder.

See Also