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Creating a Repository

A repository is a collection of files that are available for copying to a run-time image during the build process. A repository is a .cab file or a folder that contains a flat file structure. This physical repository exists in a location such as a hard disk or CD-ROM, and is represented in the component database by an object known as its logical repository. A logical repository is defined with Windows XP Embedded Component Designer and saved in an .sld file.

After you add a repository to an .sld file, you can give it membership in a package or in a repository set, and you can modify the definition of a component to use this repository. Every component that includes files is associated with a repository or with a repository set.

To create a repository

  1. Within the folder where the .sld file will be stored, create a new folder for the physical repository.

    Repositories require a flat file structure. Do not use any subdirectories.

  2. Copy the component files, such as executables, libraries, help files, and resource files, to this folder.

    If you have created a device driver component from an .inf file, the list of files in the component can help you determine which files to copy to the repository.

    Note   If there are any naming conflicts between resources, rename the resources so that each has a unique name. A resource name can be changed back when you define the component.

  3. In Windows XP Embedded Component Designer, open the .sld file or create a new one.

  4. In the SLD browser in the left pane, expand the platform node.

  5. Right-click Repositories and choose Add Repository.

    The properties of the logical repository appear in the details pane. For more information, see Common Properties.

  6. Type the appropriate information in each box.

  7. Next to the Source Path box, choose Browse, navigate to the location of the associated physical repository, and choose OK.

    If the .sld file has already been saved, a relative path is displayed in the Source Path text box. Otherwise, an absolute path is displayed. An absolute path is replaced by a relative path after the .sld file is saved.

  8. From the Build type list, choose a build type for this repository, either Debug or Release.

  9. To add extended properties to the logical repository, choose Advanced.

    For more information, see Extended Properties.

  10. Save the .sld file.

  11. To add this repository to a package or repository set, expand the node for this repository in the SLD browser, right-click the Group Memberships node, and choose Add group membership.

    For more information, see Assigning an Object to a Group.

  12. Save the .sld file again.

  13. If the component that will use this repository already exists, change the component's Repository property to specify this new repository or repository set.

    • In Windows XP Embedded Component Designer, open the .sld file.
    • In the component browser, choose the component.
    • In the details pane, choose Repositories and then choose the repository or repository set.

See Also

Objects in Component Designer | Assigning an Object to a Group | How to Set up a New Repository

See Repositories, How to Componentize an Application, and How to Componentize a Device Driver in Windows XP Embedded Help.

Last updated on Wednesday, October 18, 2006

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