When can I update data from a query?

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In some cases, you can edit the data in query Datasheet view to change the data in the underlying table. In other cases, you can't. The following table shows whether a query's results can be updated, and if not, whether there is an alternative.

Query or query field Updatable Solution
Query based on one table Yes  
Query based on tables with a one-to-one relationship Yes  
Query based on tables with a one-to-many relationship Usually For more information, click aa199585(v=office.10).md.
Query based on three or more tables in which there is a many-to-one-to-many relationship. No Though you can't update the data in the query directly, you can update the data in a form or data access page based on the query if the form's RecordsetType property is set to Dynaset (Inconsistent Updates).
Crosstab query No  
SQL pass-through query No  
Query that calculates a sum, average, count or other type of total on the values in a field, or an update query that references a field in the Update To row from either a crosstab query, select query, or subquery that contains totals or aggregate functions No By using a domain aggregate function in the Update To row of an update query, you can reference fields from either a crosstab query, select query, or subquery that contains totals or aggregate functions. For more information, click aa219683(v=office.10).md.
Union query No  
Query whose UniqueValues property is set to Yes No  
Query that includes a linked ODBC table with no unique index, or a Paradox table without a primary key No  
Query (or underlying table) for which Update Data permission isn't granted Can delete but not update To modify data, permissions must be assigned. For more information, click aa159350(v=office.10).md.
Query (or underlying table) for which Delete Data permission isn't granted Can update but not delete To delete data, permissions must be assigned. For more information, click aa159350(v=office.10).md.
Query that includes more than one table or query, and the tables or queries aren't joined by a join line in Design view No You must join the tables properly in order to update them. For more information, click aa831328(v=office.10).md.
Calculated field No  
Field is read-only; the database was opened as read-only or is located on a read-only drive No  
Field in record that has been deleted or locked by another user No A locked record should be updatable as soon as it is unlocked.
Memo, Hyperlink, or OLE Object field in the query's results Yes