"How Do I?" Videos for Devices rss

Get videos designed for all .NET Compact Framework developers, from the novice to the professional. If you are new to the .NET Compact Framework, you can learn the basics of how to create applications for devices, using either Visual Basic or C#.

Categories include: the .NET Framework; Data and Services; Hardware, Performance, and Resource Management; Multithreaded Programming; Office; Security and Deployment; Testing and Debugging; User Interface Programming, Web Technologies, State and Notification Broker; and PowerToys.

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The .NET Compact Framework ships with a number of built-in controls. These controls look a bit old fashioned, especially if you compare them to controls that can be used in the full .NET Framework. In this How-Do-I video, Maarten Struys shows you how to create your own User Interface controls with a Gradient Background to give your application a modern look and feel.

Presented by Maarten Struys 
Length: 40 minutes 53 seconds

WMV (Zip) | WMV | iPod | MP4 | 3GP | Zune | PSP

AAC | WMA | MP2 | MP3 | MP4

Visual Basic | C#

Hardware, Performance, and Resource Management

How Do I: Preserve Battery Power When My Application is in the Background?

(11 Minutes 15 seconds)

How Do I: Assure That My Application Code Continues Running When the Device is in Suspended Mode?

(18 minutes 47 seconds)

How Do I: Respond to the Windows Mobile Request to Release Resources?

(29 Minutes 2 seconds)

How Do I: Monitor for an Application to Exit Without Draining the Device Battery?

(35 Minutes 32 seconds)

How Do I: Use the GPS Intermediate Driver to Retrieve Location Information?

(28 Minutes 57 seconds)

How Do I: Use Custom Extension Methods to Improve the Efficiency of LINQ Queries?

(33 minutes 14 seconds)

How Do I: Use the .NET Compact Framework 3.5 Remote Performance Monitor?

(38 minutes, 55 seconds)

How Do I: Detect Managed Memory Leaks Using Remote Performance Monitor?

(16 minutes, 57 seconds)

How Do I: Efficiently Query a SQL Server Compact Database Using LINQ?

(34 minutes, 33 seconds)

How Do I: Use the CLR Profiler to Detect Finalization Problems on My Device?

(30 minutes, 23 seconds)

How Do I: Programmatically Determine the Windows Mobile Device Type Using .NET Compact Framework 3.5?

(10 minutes, 31 seconds)

How Do I: Run One Instance Only of My .NET Compact Framework Application?

(23 minutes, 13 seconds)

How Do I: Maximize Communication Efficiency of SQL Server Compact Edition Data Synchronization?

(26 minutes, 53 seconds)

How Do I: Find the List of Storage Cards Loaded into My Device?

(21 minutes, 46 seconds)

How Do I: Programmatically Monitor for a Specific Time of Day Without Draining a Device Battery?

(39 minutes 53 seconds)

How Do I: Detect and Verify a Network Connection?

(33 minutes, 6 seconds)

How Do I: Detect and Identify a Mobile Device?

(28 minutes 45 seconds)

How Do I: Programmatically Determine If a Device Has a Physical Keyboard Connected?

(16 minutes 22 seconds)

How Do I: Improve Data Performance Using Visual Studio 2005?

(17 minutes, 22 seconds)

How Do I: Devices: Create a superfast starting Managed Windows Mobile application?

(42 minutes, 54 seconds)

How Do I: Use Reflection to Access Private Members in .NET Compact Framework Types?

(43 minutes 08 seconds)

How Do I: Use Windows Mobiles 6.5 Gestures in Managed Code?

(37 minutes 02 seconds)

How Do I: Solve potential deadlock situations in the Windows Mobile GPS Sample?

(24 minutes 37 seconds)

Testing and Debugging

How Do I: Enable Windows Mobile Device Emulator UDP Support?
(13 Minutes 52 seconds)

How Do I: Successfully Debug Application Code that Establishes a Cellular or Wi-Fi Connection?
(13 Minutes 52 seconds)

How Do I: Attach the Debugger to a .NET Compact Framework Application that is Already Running?
(35 Minutes 32 seconds)

How Do I: Run Smart Device Unit Tests from a Command Prompt?
(10 Minutes 4 seconds)

How Do I: Use The Remote Logging Configuration Tool?
(20 Minutes 29 seconds)

How Do I: Automate the Setup of a Debug and Test Environment That Uses the Cellular Emulator?
(32 minutes, 33 seconds)

How Do I: Use the CLR Profiler to Detect Finalization Problems on My Device?
(30 minutes, 23 seconds)

How Do I: Test Unit Tests for Devices?
(17 minutes, 38 seconds)

How Do I: Build and Run a Unit Test for a Smart Device Application?
(27 minutes, 6 seconds)

How Do I: Upgrade My Mobile Device Projects from Visual Studio 2005 to Visual Studio 2008?
(27 minutes, 53 seconds)

How Do I: Programmatically Control the Configuration of a Running Device Emulator?
(38 minutes, 54 seconds)

How Do I: Use Visual Studio 2008 Device Security?
(16 minutes, 47 seconds)

How Do I: Programmatically Control Device Emulators and the Device Emulator Manager in Visual Studio 2008?
(41 minutes, 46 seconds)

How Do I: Use the Microsoft Hopper Test Tool to Stress Test My Windows Mobile Application?
(18 minutes, 27 seconds)

How Do I: Use Development Test Certificates to Sign an Application?
(15 minutes, 2 seconds)

How Do I: Launch Smartphone Applications from Visual Studio?
(10 minutes 15 seconds)

How Do I: Automate the Device Emulator Configuration for Windows Mobile?
(20 minutes, 30 seconds)

How Do I: Create a Test Server Using the Local Server Framework in the Windows Mobile 6 SDK?
(42 minutes, 23 seconds)

How Do I: Configure the Device Emulator to Use an Emulated Cellular Connection?
(12 minutes 6 seconds)

How Do I: Debug Native Code in a Managed Windows Mobile Application?
(11 minutes, 41 seconds)