Term classe

Representa uma Term ou uma palavra-chave em uma hierarquia de metadados gerenciados.

Inheritance hierarchy


Namespace:  Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy
Assembly:  Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy (em Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.dll)


<SharePointPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ObjectModel := True)> _
Public NotInheritable Class Term _
    Inherits TermSetItem
Dim instance As Term
[SharePointPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ObjectModel = true)]
public sealed class Term : TermSetItem


Um termo é armazenado como um objeto de TermSetItem no objeto TermStore . Ela containsreferences as partes que definem um termo conjunto de item.

Um termo pode ser reutilizado em pais diferentes. Ele pode ter propriedades personalizadas associadas a ele. Ele pode ter vários objetos Label associados a ele para iferentes LCID.

Quando a propriedade IsKeyword está definida como true, o Term representa uma palavra-chave. Uma palavra-chave não têm quaisquer filhos e armazenada em TermSet de palavra-chave.

Inicializar uma nova instância da classe usando o método CreateTerm() , o método estático GetTerm , ou obtendo-o a partir de um objeto TermCollection .


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

using System.Globalization;
using System.Security.Principal;
using Microsoft.SharePoint;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy;

namespace Microsoft.SDK.SharePoint.Samples
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            if (args.Length < 1)
                Console.WriteLine("Please add site url as an argument");
            SPSite site = new SPSite(args[0]);
            if (site != null)
                TermStore termStore = GetATermStore(site);

                if (termStore != null)
                    // creat a group
                    Group group = termStore.CreateGroup("TestData");

                    // test term properties
                    TestTermCodeSamples.TestTermProperties(termStore, group);
                    // test child terms and sort order
                    TestTermCodeSamples.TestGetTerms(termStore, group);
                    // test term operation
                    TestTermCodeSamples.TestTermOperation(termStore, group);

        static TermStore GetATermStore(SPSite site)
            // Get a TaxonomySession from the site
            TaxonomySession session = new TaxonomySession(site);
            TermStore termStore = null;
            // Get a TermStore from the session
            if (session.TermStores != null && session.TermStores.Count > 0)
                termStore = session.TermStores[0];
            return termStore;

    static class TestTermCodeSamples
        public static void TestGetTerms(TermStore termStore, Group group)
            if (termStore == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException("termStore");
            if (group == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException("group");

            // get current thread lcid
            int lcid = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.LCID;

            // create term set
            TermSet termSet = group.CreateTermSet("Month");

            // TermSetItem.DoesUserHavePermission method
            // check if the current user has permission to edit the term set
            bool doesUserHavePermission = termSet.DoesUserHavePermissions(TaxonomyRights.EditTermSet);
            Console.WriteLine("The current user " +
                WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name.ToString() +
                (doesUserHavePermission?" has":" does not have") +
                " permission to edit the term set.");

            // create term
            // TermSetItem.CreateTerm(System.String,System.Int32)
            Term term = termSet.CreateTerm("Week", lcid);

            // Create terms
            Term termFri = term.CreateTerm("Fri", lcid);
            Term termMon = term.CreateTerm("Mon", lcid);
            Term termSat = term.CreateTerm("Sat", lcid);
            Term termSun = term.CreateTerm("Sun", lcid);
            Term termThu = term.CreateTerm("Thu", lcid);
            Term termTue = term.CreateTerm("Tue", lcid);
            Term termWed = term.CreateTerm("Wed", lcid);

            // print each term name and id

            // define a custom sort order
            // Term.CustomSortOrder
            term.CustomSortOrder = termSun.Id.ToString() + ":" + 
                termMon.Id.ToString() + ":" +
                termTue.Id.ToString() + ":" +
                termWed.Id.ToString() + ":" +
                termThu.Id.ToString() + ":" +
                termFri.Id.ToString() + ":" +

            // commit term store changes

            // print child terms with paging of 5
            // TermSetItem.GetTerms(int)
            TermCollection retrievedTerms = term.GetTerms(5);

            // get term starts with 'S'
            // Term.GetTerms
            retrievedTerms = term.GetTerms("S", lcid,
                true /* search default label only */,
                5, /*maximum results returned*/
                true /*trim term that is not available for tagging */);

        public static void TestTermOperation(TermStore termStore, Group group)
            if (termStore == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException("termStore");
            if (group == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException("group");

            // get current thread lcid
            int lcid = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.LCID;

            // create term sets and terms
            TermSet termSetA = group.CreateTermSet("A");
            TermSet termSetB = group.CreateTermSet("B");

            Term termA1 = termSetA.CreateTerm("A1", lcid);
            Term termA2 = termSetA.CreateTerm("A2", lcid);
            Term termB1 = termSetB.CreateTerm("B1", lcid);
            Term termB2 = termSetB.CreateTerm("B2", lcid);

            // Copy, created new term "Copy of A1" under the same parent

            // Move, term "A1" is moved to term set "B"

            // Reuse, term "B2" is reused as a child term of term "A2"
            Term reusedCopyofTermB2 = termA2.ReuseTerm(termB2, false);
            // then re-assign source term to the reused copy under term "B2"

            // Merge, merge "A1" to "A2", the new merged term is called "A2", 
            // and is reused under both term set "A" and "B"
            Term mergedTerm = termA1.Merge(termA2);

            // Print merged term information
            Console.WriteLine("Merged Terms:");
            Console.WriteLine("Term: " + mergedTerm.Name + ", IsSource: " + 
                mergedTerm.IsSourceTerm + ", Term Set:" + mergedTerm.TermSet.Name);
            foreach (Term term in mergedTerm.ReusedTerms)
                Console.WriteLine("Term: " + term.Name + ", IsSource: " +
                    term.IsSourceTerm + ", Term Set:" + term.TermSet.Name);
            // Print merged term Ids
            foreach (Guid id in mergedTerm.MergedTermIds)
                Console.WriteLine("MergedId: " + id);


        public static void TestTermProperties(TermStore termStore, Group group)
            if (termStore == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException("termStore");
            if (group == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException("group");

            // get current thread lcid
            int lcid = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.LCID;

            TermSet termSet = group.CreateTermSet("Term Set");
                Term term = termSet.CreateTerm("Term1", lcid, Guid.NewGuid());

                // Set Description and label
                term.SetDescription("This is the description for the term.", lcid);
                term.CreateLabel("Term Label 1", lcid, false);


                Console.WriteLine("Term description: " + term.GetDescription());
                Console.WriteLine("Term default label: " + term.GetDefaultLabel(lcid));

                // print all term labels for an lcid, include both default and 
                // non-default label
                LabelCollection labels = term.GetAllLabels(lcid);
                foreach (Label label in labels)
                    Console.WriteLine("Term label " + label.Value);

                Console.WriteLine("Term path: " + term.GetPath());
                Console.WriteLine("IsKeyword:" + term.IsKeyword);
                Console.WriteLine("IsRoot:" + term.IsRoot);
                Console.WriteLine("IsAvailableForTagging:" + term.IsAvailableForTagging);
            catch (TermStoreOperationException exp)

        private static void PrintTermCollection(TermCollection terms)
            if (terms == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException("terms");
            Console.WriteLine("Print terms in the term collection ...");
            foreach (Term term in terms)
                Console.WriteLine(term.Name + ":" + term.Id);

Segurança de thread

Os membros públicos estática (Shared no Visual Basic) desse tipo são seguros para thread. Nenhum membro de instância pode ser garantido como seguro para thread.

Ver também


Term membros

Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy namespace

