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This section describes limitations you may encounter when designing pages based on the Windows Media Center SDK samples.

Image Downloading

The sample pages include fairly large image files for backgrounds and buttons. Some users who are connecting over the Web to your application using a low-bandwidth dial-up connection may experience slow downloads and performance, particularly during the first visit when images are not yet cached on the client computer. If bandwidth becomes a significant issue, the .css files can be changed to substitute flat background colors for images.

Button Events

The code in the sample pages includes the HTML equivalent of a feature from Windows Media Center that works with the keyboard and mouse, but is not yet supported for the remote control. When the user clicks a button, the button is highlighted until the mouse button is released. Windows Media Center currently passes on a keypress event from the OK button on the remote and the equivalent of an onclick event from the mouse. It does not capture the equivalent of an onmousedown or onmouseup event, which are needed to make this effect work from the remote control. This feature is included in the code because it may be implemented for the remote control in a later release.


The sample HTML pages are designed as templates to give you most of the important functionality from the Windows Media Center experience. If you use them to present large amounts of data, such as more than 100 items in a page of search results, you may find that navigation to move the focus between items becomes prohibitively slow. You may have to compensate for this by disabling certain functions, re-architecting the code to add efficiency based on your specific needs, or limiting the amount of data that is displayed in a single page.

See Also