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Windows XP Media Center Edition SDK Customizing the User Interface 

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Customizing the User Interface

The user interface presented by the Triple-tap/Soft-keyboard control consists of four main components: the text input box, the soft keyboard, the character map, and the candidate lists. For each component, the control exposes a set of properties that allow you to customize the appearance of the component by setting font attributes, background colors, and so on.

The properties fall into four groups. Properties that have names beginning with "Input" are for customizing the text input box. Those that begin with "KB" are for customizing the soft keyboard. The properties that begin with "TT" let you customize the character map for triple-tap mode. Finally, the properties that begin with "CL" let you customize the candidate lists. For a complete list and description of the properties exposed by the Triple-tap/Soft-keyboard control, see Triple-tap/Soft-keyboard Control Object Model Reference.

You assign values to the properties by using PARAM elements nested inside the OBJECT element used to create the control. For more information, see Using the Triple-tap/Soft-keyboard Control.

All of the main components of the Triple-tap/Soft-keyboard control (input text box, soft keyboard, character map, and candidate lists) are similar in terms of the ways in which they can be customized. In particular, all of the components have customizable font attributes, including the font name, size, style, weight, and color. Also, all the components except the text input box have customizable background colors. The following topics describe the customizable features of the control.

Topic Description
Background Images Describes how to specify background images for the soft keyboard and character map.
Font Names Describes how to specify custom font families.
Font Sizes Describes how to specify custom font sizes.
Font Styles Describes how to specify custom font styles.
Font Weights Describes how to specify custom font weights.
Text and Background Colors Describes how to specify custom text and background colors.

See Also

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