Default Keyboard Shortcuts in Visual Studio
This article applies to Visual Studio 2015. If you're looking for the latest Visual Studio documentation, see Visual Studio documentation. We recommend upgrading to the latest version of Visual Studio. Download it here
You can more easily access a variety of commands and windows in Visual Studio by choosing the appropriate keyboard shortcut. This topics lists the default shortcuts for the General Development profile, which you might have chosen when you installed Visual Studio. No matter which profile you chose, you can identify the shortcut for a command by opening the Options dialog box, expanding the Environment node, and then choosing Keyboard. You can also customize your shortcuts by assigning a different shortcut to any given command.
For a list of common keyboard shortcuts and other productivity information, see Tips and Tricks and Productivity Tips.
The sections in the following list include commands that are global in that you can access them from anywhere in Visual Studio by using keyboard shortcuts:
- Analyze
- Edit
- Project
- Test|
- Architecture
- Editor Context Menus
- Project and Solution Context Menus
- Test Explorer
- Build
- File
- Refactor
- Tools
- Class View Context Menus
- Help
- Solution Explorer
- View
- Debug
- Load Test
- Team
- Window
- Debugger Context Menus
- Other Context Menus
- Team Foundation Context Menus
- Azure
- Diagnostics Hub
Each section in the following list includes commands for which the keyboard shortcuts are specific to the context for which the section is named.
- ADO.NET Entity Data Model Designer
- Layer Diagram
- Settings Designer
- VC Image Editor
- Class Diagram
- Managed Resources Editor
- Solution Explorer
- VC String Editor
- Coded UI Test Editor
- Merge Editor Window
- Team Explorer
- View Designer
- DataSet Editor
- Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools, Schema Compare
- Team Foundation Build Detail Editor
- Visual Studio
- Difference Viewer
- Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools, Table Designer
- Test Explorer
- Windows Forms Designer
- DOM Explorer
- Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools, T-SQL Editor
- Text Editor
- Work Item Editor
- F# Interactive
- Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools, T-SQL PDW Editor
- UML Activity Diagram
- Work Item Query View
- Graph Document Editor
- Page Inspector
- UML Class Diagram
- Work Item Results View
- Graphics Diagnostics
- Query Designer
- UML Component Diagram
- Workflow Designer
- HTML Editor
- Query Results
- UML Use Case Diagram
- XAML UI Designer
- HTML Editor Design View
- Report Designer
- VC Accelerator Editor
- XML (Text) Editor
- HTML Editor Source View
- Sequence Diagram
- VC Dialog Editor
- XML Schema Designer
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
Analyze.NavigateBackward | Shift+Alt+3 |
Analyze.NavigateForward | Shift+Alt+4 |
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
Architecture.NewDiagram | Ctrl+\, Ctrl+N |
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
Build.BuildSolution | Ctrl+Shift+B |
Build.Cancel | Ctrl+Break |
Build.Compile | Ctrl+F7 |
Build.RunCodeAnalysisonSolution | Alt+F11 |
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
ClassViewContextMenus.ClassViewMultiselectProjectreferencesItems.Properties | Alt+Enter |
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
Debug.ApplyCodeChanges | Alt+F10 |
Debug.Autos | Ctrl+Alt+V, A |
Debug.BreakAll | Ctrl+Alt+Break |
Debug.BreakatFunction | Ctrl+B |
Debug.Breakpoints | Ctrl+Alt+B |
Debug.CallStack | Ctrl+Alt+C |
Debug.DeleteAllBreakpoints | Ctrl+Shift+F9 |
Debug.DiagnosticsHub.Launch | Alt+F2 |
Debug.Disassembly | Ctrl+Alt+D |
Debug.DOMExplorer | Ctrl+Alt+V, D |
Debug.EnableBreakpoint | Ctrl+F9 |
Debug.Exceptions | Ctrl+Alt+E |
Debug.GoToPreviousCallorIntelliTraceEvent | Ctrl+Shift+F11 |
Debug.Graphics.StartDiagnostics | Alt+F5 |
Debug.Immediate | Ctrl+Alt+I |
Debug.IntelliTraceCalls | Ctrl+Alt+Y, T |
Debug.IntelliTraceEvents | Ctrl+Alt+Y, F |
Debug.JavaScriptConsole | Ctrl+Alt+V, C |
Debug.Locals | Ctrl+Alt+V, L |
Debug.LocationToolbar.ProcessCombo | Ctrl+5 |
Debug.LocationToolbar.StackFrameCombo | Ctrl+7 |
Debug.LocationToolbar.ThreadCombo | Ctrl+6 |
Debug.LocationToolbar.ToggleCurrentThreadFlaggedState | Ctrl+8 |
Debug.LocationToolbar.ToggleFlaggedThreads | Ctrl+9 |
Debug.Memory1 | Ctrl+Alt+M, 1 |
Debug.Memory2 | Ctrl+Alt+M, 2 |
Debug.Memory3 | Ctrl+Alt+M, 3 |
Debug.Memory4 | Ctrl+Alt+M, 4 |
Debug.Modules | Ctrl+Alt+U |
Debug.ParallelStacks | Ctrl+Shift+D, S |
Debug.ParallelWatch1 | Ctrl+Shift+D, 1 |
Debug.ParallelWatch2 | Ctrl+Shift+D, 2 |
Debug.ParallelWatch3 | Ctrl+Shift+D, 3 |
Debug.ParallelWatch4 | Ctrl+Shift+D, 4 |
Debug.Processes | Ctrl+Alt+Z |
Debug.QuickWatch | Shift+F9 or Ctrl+Alt+Q |
Debug.RefreshWindowsapp | Ctrl+Shift+R |
Debug.Registers | Ctrl+Alt+G |
Debug.Restart | Ctrl+Shift+F5 |
Debug.RunToCursor | Ctrl+F10 |
Debug.SetNextStatement | Ctrl+Shift+F10 |
Debug.ShowCallStackonCodeMap | Ctrl+Shift+` |
Debug.ShowNextStatement | Alt+Num * |
Debug.Start | F5 |
Debug.StartWindowsPhoneApplicationAnalysis | Alt+F1 |
Debug.StartWithoutDebugging | Ctrl+F5 |
Debug.StepInto | F11 |
Debug.StepIntoCurrentProcess | Ctrl+Alt+F11 |
Debug.StepIntoSpecific | Shift+Alt+F11 |
Debug.StepOut | Shift+F11 |
Debug.StepOutCurrentProcess | Ctrl+Shift+Alt+F11 |
Debug.StepOver | F10 |
Debug.StepOverCurrentProcess | Ctrl+Alt+F10 |
Debug.StopDebugging | Shift+F5 |
Debug.StopPerformanceAnalysis | Shift+Alt+F2 |
Debug.Tasks | Ctrl+Shift+D, K |
Debug.Threads | Ctrl+Alt+H |
Debug.ToggleBreakpoint | F9 |
Debug.ToggleDisassembly | Ctrl+F11 |
Debug.Watch1 | Ctrl+Alt+W, 1 |
Debug.Watch2 | Ctrl+Alt+W, 2 |
Debug.Watch3 | Ctrl+Alt+W, 3 |
Debug.Watch4 | Ctrl+Alt+W, 4 |
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
DebuggerContextMenus.BreakpointsWindow.Delete | Alt+F9, D |
DebuggerContextMenus.BreakpointsWindow.GoToDisassembly | Alt+F9, A |
DebuggerContextMenus.BreakpointsWindow.GoToSourceCode | Alt+F9, S |
Command | Keyboard Shortcut |
DiagnosticsHub.StopCollection | Ctrl+Alt+F2 |
Commands | |
Edit.Copy | Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Ins |
Edit.Cut | Ctrl+X or Shift+Delete |
Edit.CycleClipboardRing | Ctrl+Shift+V or Ctrl+Shift+Ins |
Edit.Delete | Delete |
Edit.Find | Ctrl+F |
Edit.FindAllReferences | Shift+F12 |
Edit.FindinFiles | Ctrl+Shift+F |
Edit.FindNext | F3 |
Edit.FindNextSelected | Ctrl+F3 |
Edit.FindPrevious | Shift+F3 |
Edit.FindPreviousSelected | Ctrl+Shift+F3 |
Edit.GenerateMethod | Ctrl+K, Ctrl+M |
Edit.GoTo | Ctrl+G |
Edit.GoToDeclaration | Ctrl+F12 |
Edit.GoToDefinition | F12 |
Edit.GoToFindCombo | Ctrl+D |
Edit.GoToNextLocation | F8 |
Edit.GoToPrevLocation | Shift+F8 |
Edit.InsertSnippet | Ctrl+K, Ctrl+X |
Edit.MoveControlDown | Ctrl+Down Arrow |
Edit.MoveControlDownGrid | Down Arrow |
Edit.MoveControlLeft | Ctrl+Left Arrow |
Edit.MoveControlLeftGrid | Left Arrow |
Edit.MoveControlRight | Ctrl+Right Arrow |
Edit.MoveControlRightGrid | Right Arrow |
Edit.MoveControlUp | Ctrl+Up Arrow |
Edit.MoveControlUpGrid | Up Arrow |
Edit.NavigateTo | Ctrl+, |
Edit.NextBookmark | Ctrl+K, Ctrl+N |
Edit.NextBookmarkInFolder | Ctrl+Shift+K, Ctrl+Shift+N |
Edit.OpenFile | Ctrl+Shift+G |
Edit.Paste | Ctrl+V or Shift+Ins |
Edit.PreviousBookmark | Ctrl+K, Ctrl+P |
Edit.PreviousBookmarkInFolder | Ctrl+Shift+K, Ctrl+Shift+P |
Edit.QuickFindSymbol | Shift+Alt+F12 |
Edit.Redo | Ctrl+Y or Ctrl+Shift+Z or Shift+Alt+Backspace |
Edit.RefreshRemoteReferences | Ctrl+Shift+J |
Edit.Replace | Ctrl+H |
Edit.ReplaceinFiles | Ctrl+Shift+H |
Edit.SelectAll | Ctrl+A |
Edit.SelectNextControl | Tab |
Edit.SelectPreviousControl | Shift+Tab |
Edit.ShowTileGrid | Enter |
Edit.SizeControlDown | Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow |
Edit.SizeControlDownGrid | Shift+Down Arrow |
Edit.SizeControlLeft | Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow |
Edit.SizeControlLeftGrid | Shift+Left Arrow |
Edit.SizeControlRight | Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow |
Edit.SizeControlRightGrid | Shift+Right Arrow |
Edit.SizeControlUp | Ctrl+Shift+Up Arrow |
Edit.SizeControlUpGrid | Shift+Up Arrow |
Edit.StopSearch | Alt+F3, S |
Edit.SurroundWith | Ctrl+K, Ctrl+S |
Edit.Undo | Ctrl+Z or Alt+Backspace |
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
EditorContextMenus.CodeWindow.Breakpoint.BreakpointEditlabels | Alt+F9, L |
EditorContextMenus.CodeWindow.CodeMap.ShowItem | Ctrl+` |
EditorContextMenus.CodeWindow.Execute | Ctrl+Alt+F5 |
EditorContextMenus.CodeWindow.GoToView | Ctrl+M, Ctrl+G |
EditorContextMenus.CodeWindow.ToggleHeaderCodeFile | Ctrl+K, Ctrl+O |
EditorContextMenus.CodeWindow.ViewCallHierarchy | Ctrl+K, Ctrl+T or Ctrl+K, T |
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
File.Exit | Alt+F4 |
File.NewFile | Ctrl+N |
File.NewProject | Ctrl+Shift+N |
File.NewWebSite | Shift+Alt+N |
File.OpenFile | Ctrl+O |
File.OpenProject | Ctrl+Shift+O |
File.OpenWebSite | Shift+Alt+O |
File.Print | Ctrl+P |
File.SaveAll | Ctrl+Shift+S |
File.SaveSelectedItems | Ctrl+S |
File.ViewinBrowser | Ctrl+Shift+W |
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
Help.AddandRemoveHelpContent | Ctrl+Alt+F1 |
Help.F1Help | F1 |
Help.ViewHelp | Ctrl+F1 |
Help.WindowHelp | Shift+F1 |
Command | Keyboard Shortcut |
LoadTest.JumpToCounterPane | Ctrl+R, Q |
Command | Keyboard Shortcut |
OtherContextMenus.MicrosoftDataEntityDesignContext.AddNewDiagram | Insert |
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
Project.AddExistingItem | Shift+Alt+A |
Project.AddNewItem | Ctrl+Shift+A |
Project.ClassWizard | Ctrl+Shift+X |
Project.Override | Ctrl+Alt+Ins |
Project.Previewchanges | Alt+;, Alt+C |
Project.Publishselectedfiles | Alt+;, Alt+P |
Project.Replaceselectedfilesfromserver | Alt+;, Alt+R |
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
ProjectandSolutionContextMenus.Item.MoveDown | Alt+Down Arrow |
ProjectandSolutionContextMenus.Item.MoveUp | Alt+Up Arrow |
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
Refactor.EncapsulateField | Ctrl+R, Ctrl+E |
Refactor.ExtractInterface | Ctrl+R, Ctrl+I |
Refactor.ExtractMethod | Ctrl+R, Ctrl+M |
Refactor.RemoveParameters | Ctrl+R, Ctrl+V |
Refactor.Rename | Ctrl+R, Ctrl+R |
Refactor.ReorderParameters | Ctrl+R, Ctrl+O |
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
SolutionExplorer.OpenFilesFilter | Ctrl+[, O or Ctrl+[, Ctrl+O |
SolutionExplorer.PendingChangesFilter | Ctrl+[, P or Ctrl+[, Ctrl+P |
SolutionExplorer.SyncWithActiveDocument | Ctrl+[, S or Ctrl+[, Ctrl+S |
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
Team.Git.GoToGitBranches | Ctrl+0, Ctrl+N or Ctrl+0, N |
Team.Git.GoToGitChanges | Ctrl+0, Ctrl+G or Ctrl+0, G |
Team.Git.GoToGitCommits | Ctrl+0, Ctrl+O or Ctrl+0, O |
Team.TeamExplorerSearch | Ctrl+' |
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
TeamFoundationContextMenus.Commands.GoToBuilds | Ctrl+0, Ctrl+B or Ctrl+0, B |
TeamFoundationContextMenus.Commands.GoToConnect | Ctrl+0, Ctrl+C or Ctrl+0, C |
TeamFoundationContextMenus.Commands.GoToDocuments | Ctrl+0, Ctrl+D or Ctrl+0, D |
TeamFoundationContextMenus.Commands.GoToHome | Ctrl+0, Ctrl+H or Ctrl+0, H |
TeamFoundationContextMenus.Commands.GoToMyWork | Ctrl+0, Ctrl+M or Ctrl+0, M |
TeamFoundationContextMenus.Commands.GoToPendingChanges | Ctrl+0, Ctrl+P or Ctrl+0, P |
TeamFoundationContextMenus.Commands.GoToReports | Ctrl+0, Ctrl+R or Ctrl+0, R |
TeamFoundationContextMenus.Commands.GoToSettings | Ctrl+0, Ctrl+S or Ctrl+0, S |
TeamFoundationContextMenus.Commands.GoToWebAccess | Ctrl+0, Ctrl+A or Ctrl+0, A |
TeamFoundationContextMenus.Commands.GoToWorkItems | Ctrl+0, Ctrl+W or Ctrl+0, W |
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
Test.UseCodedUITestBuilder | Ctrl+\, Ctrl+C |
Test.UseExistingActionRecording | Ctrl+\, Ctrl+A |
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
TestExplorer.DebugAllTests | Ctrl+R, Ctrl+A |
TestExplorer.DebugAllTestsInContext | Ctrl+R, Ctrl+T |
TestExplorer.RepeatLastRun | Ctrl+R, L |
TestExplorer.RunAllTests | Ctrl+R, A |
TestExplorer.RunAllTestsInContext | Ctrl+R, T |
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
Tools.AttachtoProcess | Ctrl+Alt+P |
Tools.CodeSnippetsManager | Ctrl+K, Ctrl+B |
Tools.ForceGC | Ctrl+Shift+Alt+F12, Ctrl+Shift+Alt+F12 |
Tools.GoToCommandLine | Ctrl+/ |
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
View.AllWindows | Shift+Alt+M |
View.ArchitectureExplorer | Ctrl+\, Ctrl+R |
View.Backward | Alt+Left Arrow |
View.BookmarkWindow | Ctrl+K, Ctrl+W |
View.BrowseNext | Ctrl+Shift+1 |
View.BrowsePrevious | Ctrl+Shift+2 |
View.CallHierarchy | Ctrl+Alt+K |
View.ClassView | Ctrl+Shift+C |
View.ClassViewGoToSearchCombo | Ctrl+K, Ctrl+V |
View.CodeDefinitionWindow | Ctrl+\, D or Ctrl+\, Ctrl+D |
View.CommandWindow | Ctrl+Alt+A |
View.DataSources | Shift+Alt+D |
View.DocumentOutline | Ctrl+Alt+T |
View.EditLabel | F2 |
View.ErrorList | Ctrl+\, E or Ctrl+\, Ctrl+E |
View.F#Interactive | Ctrl+Alt+F |
View.FindSymbolResults | Ctrl+Alt+F12 |
View.Forward | Alt+Right Arrow |
View.ForwardBrowseContext | Ctrl+Shift+7 |
View.FullScreen | Shift+Alt+Enter |
View.NavigateBackward | Ctrl+- |
View.NavigateForward | Ctrl+Shift+- |
View.NextError | Ctrl+Shift+F12 |
View.Notifications | Ctrl+W, N or Ctrl+W, Ctrl+N |
View.ObjectBrowser | Ctrl+Alt+J |
View.ObjectBrowserGoToSearchCombo | Ctrl+K, Ctrl+R |
View.Output | Ctrl+Alt+O |
View.PopBrowseContex | Ctrl+Shift+8 |
View.PropertiesWindow | F4 |
View.PropertyPages | Shift+F4 |
View.ResourceView | Ctrl+Shift+E |
View.ServerExplorer | Ctrl+Alt+S |
View.ShowSmartTag | Shift+Alt+F10 or Ctrl+. |
View.SolutionExplorer | Ctrl+Alt+L |
View.SQLServerObjectExplorer | Ctrl+\, Ctrl+S |
View.TaskList | Ctrl+\, T or Ctrl+\, Ctrl+T |
View.TfsTeamExplorer | Ctrl+\, Ctrl+M |
View.Toolbox | Ctrl+Alt+X |
View.UMLModelExplorer | Ctrl+\, Ctrl+U |
View.ViewCode | F7 |
View.ViewDesigner | Shift+F7 |
View.WebBrowser | Ctrl+Alt+R |
View.ZoomIn | Ctrl+Shift+. |
View.ZoomOut | Ctrl+Shift+, |
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
Window.ActivateDocumentWindow | Esc |
Window.AddTabtoSelection | Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Space |
Window.CloseDocumentWindow | Ctrl+F4 |
Window.CloseToolWindow | Shift+Esc |
Window.KeepTabOpen | Ctrl+Alt+Home |
Window.MovetoNavigationBar | Ctrl+F2 |
Window.NextDocumentWindow | Ctrl+F6 |
Window.NextDocumentWindowNav | Ctrl+Tab |
Window.NextPane | Alt+F6 |
Window.NextSplitPane | F6 |
Window.NextTab | Ctrl+Alt+PgDn or Ctrl+PgDn |
Window.NextTabandAddtoSelection | Ctrl+Shift+Alt+PgDn |
Window.NextToolWindowNav | Alt+F7 |
Window.PreviousDocumentWindow | Ctrl+Shift+F6 |
Window.PreviousDocumentWindowNav | Ctrl+Shift+Tab |
Window.PreviousPane | Shift+Alt+F6 |
Window.PreviousSplitPane | Shift+F6 |
Window.PreviousTab | Ctrl+Alt+PgUp or Ctrl+PgUp |
Window.PreviousTabandAddtoSelection | Ctrl+Shift+Alt+PgUp |
Window.PreviousToolWindowNav | Shift+Alt+F7 |
Window.QuickLaunch | Ctrl+Q |
Window.QuickLaunchPreviousCategory | Ctrl+Shift+Q |
Window.ShowDockMenu | Alt+- |
Window.ShowEzMDIFileList | Ctrl+Alt+Down Arrow |
Window.SolutionExplorerSearch | Ctrl+; |
Window.WindowSearch | Alt+` |
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
WindowsAzure.RetryMobileServiceScriptOperation | Ctrl+Num *, Ctrl+R |
WindowsAzure.ShowMobileServiceScriptErrorDetails | Ctrl+Num *, Ctrl+D |
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
OtherContextMenus.MicrosoftDataEntityDesignContext.MoveProperties.Down | Alt+Down Arrow |
OtherContextMenus.MicrosoftDataEntityDesignContext.MoveProperties.Down5 | Alt+PgDn |
OtherContextMenus.MicrosoftDataEntityDesignContext.MoveProperties.ToBottom | Alt+End |
OtherContextMenus.MicrosoftDataEntityDesignContext.MoveProperties.ToTop | Alt+Home |
OtherContextMenus.MicrosoftDataEntityDesignContext.MoveProperties.Up | Alt+Up Arrow |
OtherContextMenus.MicrosoftDataEntityDesignContext.MoveProperties.Up5 | Alt+PgUp |
OtherContextMenus.MicrosoftDataEntityDesignContext.Refactor.Rename | Ctrl+R, R |
OtherContextMenus.MicrosoftDataEntityDesignContext.RemovefromDiagram | Shift+Del |
View.EntityDataModelBrowser | Ctrl+1 |
View.EntityDataModelMappingDetails | Ctrl+2 |
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
ClassDiagram.Collapse | Num - |
ClassDiagram.Expand | Num + |
Edit.Delete | Ctrl+Del |
Edit.ExpandCollapseBaseTypeList | Shift+Alt+B |
Edit.NavigateToLollipop | Shift+Alt+L |
Edit.RemovefromDiagram | Delete |
View.ViewCode | Enter |
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
OtherContextMenus.UITestEditorContextMenu.CopyReferencetoClipboard | Ctrl+C |
OtherContextMenus.UITestEditorContextMenu.InsertDelayBefore | Ctrl+Alt+D |
OtherContextMenus.UITestEditorContextMenu.LocateAll | Shift+Alt+L |
OtherContextMenus.UITestEditorContextMenu.LocatetheUIControl | Ctrl+Shift+L |
OtherContextMenus.UITestEditorContextMenu.Movecode | Ctrl+Alt+C |
OtherContextMenus.UITestEditorContextMenu.Splitintoanewmethod | Ctrl+Shift+T |
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
OtherContextMenus.ColumnContext.InsertColumn | Insert |
OtherContextMenus.DbTableContext.Add.Column | Ctrl+L |
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
Diff.IgnoreTrimWhitespace | Ctrl+\, Ctrl+Spacebar |
Diff.InlineView | Ctrl+\, Ctrl+1 |
Diff.LeftOnlyView | Ctrl+\, Ctrl+3 |
Diff.NextDifference | F8 |
Diff.PreviousDifference | Shift+F8 |
Diff.RightOnlyView | Ctrl+\, Ctrl+4 |
Diff.SideBySideView | Ctrl+\, Ctrl+2 |
Diff.SwitchBetweenLeftAndRight | Ctrl+\, Ctrl+Tab |
Diff.SynchronizeViewToggle | Ctrl+\, Ctrl+Down Arrow |
EditorContextMenus.CodeWindow.AddComment | Ctrl+Shift+K |
EditorContextMenus.CodeWindow.EditLocalFile | Ctrl+Shift+P |
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
DOMExplorer.Refresh | F5 |
DOMExplorer.SelectElement | Ctrl+B |
DOMExplorer.ShowLayout | Ctrl+Shift+I |
Command | Keyboard Shortcut |
OtherContextMenus.FSIConsoleContext.CancelInteractiveEvaluation | Ctrl+Break |
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
ArchitectureContextMenus.DirectedGraphContextMenu.Advanced.Add.AddNode | Insert |
ArchitectureContextMenus.DirectedGraphContextMenu.Advanced.Select.BothDependencies | B |
ArchitectureContextMenus.DirectedGraphContextMenu.Advanced.Select.IncomingDependencies | I |
ArchitectureContextMenus.DirectedGraphContextMenu.Advanced.Select.OutgoingDependencies | O |
ArchitectureContextMenus.DirectedGraphContextMenu.NewComment | Ctrl+Shift+K or Ctrl+E, C |
ArchitectureContextMenus.DirectedGraphContextMenu.Remove | Delete |
ArchitectureContextMenus.DirectedGraphContextMenu.Rename | F2 |
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
Debug.Graphics.CaptureFrame | None |
Graphics.MovePixelSelectionDown | Shift+Alt+Down Arrow |
Graphics.MovePixelSelectionLeft | Shift+Alt+Left Arrow |
Graphics.MovePixelSelectionRight | Shift+Alt+Right Arrow |
Graphics.MovePixelSelectionUp | Shift+Alt+Up Arrow |
Graphics.ZoomToActualSize | Shift+Alt+0 |
Graphics.ZoomToFitInWindow | Shift+Alt+9 |
Graphics.ZoomIn | Shift+Alt+= |
Graphics.ZoomOut | Shift+Alt+- |
Command | Keyboard Shortcut |
OtherContextMenus.HTMLContext.GoToController | Ctrl+M, Ctrl+G |
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
Edit.MoveControlDown | Ctrl+Down Arrow |
Edit.MoveControlUp | Ctrl+Up Arrow |
Format.Bold | Ctrl+B |
Format.ConverttoHyperlink | Ctrl+L |
Format.InsertBookmark | Ctrl+Shift+L |
Format.Italic | Ctrl+I |
Format.Underline | Ctrl+U |
Project.AddContentPage | Ctrl+M, Ctrl+C |
Table.ColumntotheLeft | Ctrl+Alt+Left Arrow |
Table.ColumntotheRight | Ctrl+Alt+Right Arrow |
Table.RowAbove | Ctrl+Alt+Up Arrow |
Table.RowBelow | Ctrl+Alt+Down Arrow |
View.ASP.NETNonvisualControls | Ctrl+Shift+N |
View.EditMaster | Ctrl+M, Ctrl+M |
View.NextView | Ctrl+PgDn |
View.ShowSmartTag | Shift+Alt+F10 |
View.ViewMarkup | Shift+F7 |
Window.PreviousTab | Ctrl+PgUp |
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
OtherContextMenus.HTMLContext.GoToController | Ctrl+M, Ctrl+G |
View.NextView | Ctrl+PgDn |
View.SynchronizeViews | Ctrl+Shift+Y |
View.ViewDesigner | Shift+F7 |
Window.PreviousTab | Ctrl+PgUp |
Command | Keyboard Shortcut |
Edit.Delete | Shift+Delete |
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
Edit.EditCell | F2 |
Edit.Remove | Delete |
Edit.RemoveRow | Ctrl+Delete |
Edit.SelectionCancel | Escape |
Resources.Audio | Ctrl+4 |
Resources.Files | Ctrl+5 |
Resources.Icons | Ctrl+3 |
Resources.Images | Ctrl+2 |
Resources.Other | Ctrl+6 |
Resources.Strings | Ctrl+1 |
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
TeamFoundationContextMenus.MergeContextMenu.SetFocusonLeftWindow | Alt+1 |
TeamFoundationContextMenus.MergeContextMenu.SetFocusonResultWindow | Alt+2 |
TeamFoundationContextMenus.MergeContextMenu.SetFocusonRightWindow | Alt+3 |
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
SQL.SSDTSchemaCompareCompare | Shift+Alt+C |
SQL.SSDTSchemaCompareGenerateScript | Shift+Alt+G |
SQL.SSDTSchemaCompareNextChange | Shift+Alt+. |
SQL.SSDTSchemaComparePreviousChange | Shift+Alt+, |
SQL.SSDTSchemaCompareStop | Alt+Break |
SQL.SSDTSchemaCompareWriteUpdates | Shift+Alt+U |
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
CommitAllEdits | Shift+Alt+U |
SQL.ExpandWildcards | Ctrl+R, E or Ctrl+R, Ctrl+E |
SQL.FullyqualifyNames | Ctrl+R, Q or Ctrl+R, Ctrl+Q |
SQL.MovetoSchema | Ctrl+R, M or Ctrl+R, Ctrl+M |
SQL.Rename | F2 or Ctrl+R, R or Ctrl+R, Ctrl+R |
ViewFileInScriptPanel | Shift+Alt+PgDn |
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
CommitAllEdits | Shift+Alt+U |
SQL.ExecuteWithDebugger | Alt+F5 |
SQL.ExpandWildcards | Ctrl+R, E or Ctrl+R, Ctrl+E |
SQL.FullyqualifyNames | Ctrl+R, Q or Ctrl+R, Ctrl+Q |
SQL.MovetoSchema | Ctrl+R, M or Ctrl+R, Ctrl+M |
SQL.Rename | F2 or Ctrl+R, R or Ctrl+R, Ctrl+R |
SQL.TSqlEditorCancelQuery | Alt+Break |
SQL.TSqlEditorExecuteQuery | Ctrl+Shift+E |
SQL.TSqlEditorResultsAsFile | Ctrl+D, F |
SQL.TSqlEditorResultsAsGrid | Ctrl+D, G |
SQL.TSqlEditorResultsAsText | Ctrl+D, T |
SQL.TSqlEditorShowEstimatedPlan | Ctrl+D, E |
SQL.TSqlEditorToggleExecutionPlan | Ctrl+D, A |
SQL.TSqlEditorToggleResultsPane | Ctrl+D, R |
TSqlEditorCloneQuery | Ctrl+Alt+N |
TSqlEditorDatabaseCombo | Shift+Alt+PgDn |
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
SQL.TSqlEditorCancelQuery | Alt+Break |
SQL.TSqlEditorExecuteQuery | Ctrl+Shift+E |
SQL.TSqlEditorResultsAsFile | Ctrl+D, F |
SQL.TSqlEditorResultsAsGrid | Ctrl+D, G |
SQL.TSqlEditorResultsAsText | Ctrl+D, T |
SQL.TSqlEditorShowEstimatedPlan | Ctrl+D, E |
SQL.TSqlEditorToggleExecutionPlan | Ctrl+D, A |
SQL.TSqlEditorToggleResultsPane | Ctrl+D, R |
TSqlEditorCloneQuery | Ctrl+Alt+N |
TSqlEditorDatabaseCombo | Shift+Alt+PgDn |
Command | Keyboard Shortcut |
PageInspector.Minimize | F12 |
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
QueryDesigner.CancelRetrievingData | Ctrl+T |
QueryDesigner.Criteria | Ctrl+2 |
QueryDesigner.Diagram | Ctrl+1 |
QueryDesigner.ExecuteSQL | Ctrl+R |
QueryDesigner.GotoRow | Ctrl+G |
QueryDesigner.JoinMode | Ctrl+Shift+J |
QueryDesigner.Results | Ctrl+4 |
QueryDesigner.SQL | Ctrl+3 |
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
SQL.QueryResultsNewRow | Alt+End |
SQL.QueryResultsRefresh | Shift+Alt+R |
SQL.QueryResultsStop | Alt+Break |
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
Edit.BreakLine | Enter |
Edit.CharLeft | Left Arrow |
Edit.CharLeftExtend | Shift+Left Arrow |
Edit.CharRight | Right Arrow |
Edit.CharRightExtend | Shift+Right Arrow |
Edit.InsertTab | Tab |
Edit.LineDown | Down Arrow |
Edit.LineDownExtend | Shift+Down Arrow |
Edit.LineUp | Up Arrow |
Edit.LineUpExtend | Shift+Up Arrow |
Edit.MoveControlDown | Ctrl+Down Arrow |
Edit.MoveControlLeft | Ctrl+Left Arrow |
Edit.MoveControlRight | Ctrl+Right Arrow |
Edit.MoveControlUp | Ctrl+Up Arrow |
Edit.SelectionCancel | Esc |
Edit.SizeControlDown | Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow |
Edit.SizeControlLeft | Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow |
Edit.SizeControlRight | Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow |
Edit.SizeControlUp | Ctrl+Shift+Up Arrow |
Edit.TabLeft | Shift+Tab |
View.ReportData | Ctrl+Alt+D |
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
ArchitectureDesigner.Sequence.NavigateToCode | F12 |
Edit.Delete | Shift+Del |
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
Edit.EditCell | F2 |
Edit.RemoveRow | Ctrl+Delete |
Edit.SelectionCancel | Esc |
View.ViewCode | F7 |
Command | Keyboard Shortcut |
ClassViewContextMenus.ClassViewProject.View.ViewinPageInspector | Ctrl+K, Ctrl+G |
Command | Keyboard Shortcut |
Edit.Delete | Delete |
File.Rename | F2 |
TeamFoundationContextMenus.Commands.GoToTeamExplorerNavigation | Alt+Home |
TeamFoundationContextMenus.Commands.GoToTeamExplorerNextSectionContent | Alt+Down Arrow |
TeamFoundationContextMenus.Commands.GoToTeamExplorerPageContent | Alt+0 |
TeamFoundationContextMenus.Commands.GoToTeamExplorerPreviousSectionContent | Alt+Up Arrow |
TeamFoundationContextMenus.Commands.GoToTeamExplorerSection1Content | Alt+1 |
TeamFoundationContextMenus.Commands.GoToTeamExplorerSection2Content | Alt+2 |
TeamFoundationContextMenus.Commands.GoToTeamExplorerSection3Content | Alt+3 |
TeamFoundationContextMenus.Commands.GoToTeamExplorerSection4Content | Alt+4 |
TeamFoundationContextMenus.Commands.GoToTeamExplorerSection5Content | Alt+5 |
TeamFoundationContextMenus.Commands.GoToTeamExplorerSection6Content | Alt+6 |
TeamFoundationContextMenus.Commands.GoToTeamExplorerSection7Content | Alt+7 |
TeamFoundationContextMenus.Commands.GoToTeamExplorerSection8Content | Alt+8 |
TeamFoundationContextMenus.Commands.GoToTeamExplorerSection9Content | Alt+9 |
TeamFoundationContextMenus.Commands.TeamExplorerNavigateBackward | Alt+Left Arrow |
TeamFoundationContextMenus.Commands.TeamExplorerNavigateForward | Alt+Right Arrow |
TeamFoundationContextMenus.MyWorkPageInProgress.TfsContextMyWorkPageCreateCopyWI | Shift+Alt+C |
TeamFoundationContextMenus.MyWorkPageInProgress.TfsContextMyWorkPageNewLinkedWI | Shift+Alt+L |
View.Refresh | F5 |
Command | Keyboard Shortcut |
View.Refresh | F5 |
Command | Keyboard Shortcut |
TestExplorer.OpenTest | F12 |
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
Edit.BreakLine | Enter or Shift+Enter |
Edit.CharLeft | Left Arrow |
Edit.CharLeftExtend | Shift+Left Arrow |
Edit.CharLeftExtendColumn | Shift+Alt+Left Arrow |
Edit.CharRight | Right Arrow |
Edit.CharRightExtend | Shift+Right Arrow |
Edit.CharRightExtendColumn | Shift+Alt+Right Arrow |
Edit.CharTranspose | Ctrl+T |
Edit.ClearBookmarks | Ctrl+K, Ctrl+L |
Edit.CollapseAllOutlining | Ctrl+M, Ctrl+A |
Edit.CollapseCurrentRegion | Ctrl+M, Ctrl+S |
Edit.CollapseTag | Ctrl+M, Ctrl+T |
Edit.CollapsetoDefinitions | Ctrl+M, Ctrl+O |
Edit.CommentSelection | Ctrl+K, Ctrl+C |
Edit.CompleteWord | Ctrl+Space or Alt+Right Arrow |
Edit.CopyParameterTip | Ctrl+Shift+Alt+C |
Edit.DecreaseFilterLevel | Alt+, |
Edit.DeleteBackwards | Backspace or Shift+Bkspce |
Edit.DeleteHorizontalWhiteSpace | Ctrl+K, Ctrl+\ |
Edit.DocumentEnd | Ctrl+End |
Edit.DocumentEndExtend | Ctrl+Shift+End |
Edit.DocumentStart | Ctrl+Home |
Edit.DocumentStartExtend | Ctrl+Shift+Home |
Edit.ExpandAllOutlining | Ctrl+M, Ctrl+X |
Edit.ExpandCurrentRegion | Ctrl+M, Ctrl+E |
Edit.FormatDocument | Ctrl+K, Ctrl+D |
Edit.FormatSelection | Ctrl+K, Ctrl+F |
Edit.GotoBrace | Ctrl+] |
Edit.GotoBraceExtend | Ctrl+Shift+] |
Edit.HideSelection | Ctrl+M, Ctrl+H |
Edit.IncreaseFilterLevel | Alt+. |
Edit.IncrementalSearch | Ctrl+I |
Edit.InsertTab | Tab |
Edit.LineCut | Ctrl+L |
Edit.LineDelete | Ctrl+Shift+L |
Edit.LineDown | Down Arrow |
Edit.LineDownExtend | Shift+Down Arrow |
Edit.LineDownExtendColumn | Shift+Alt+Down Arrow |
Edit.LineEnd | End |
Edit.LineEndExtend | Shift+End |
Edit.LineEndExtendColumn | Shift+Alt+End |
Edit.LineOpenAbove | Ctrl+Enter |
Edit.LineOpenBelow | Ctrl+Shift+Enter |
Edit.LineStart | Home |
Edit.LineStartExtend | Shift+Home |
Edit.LineStartExtendColumn | Shift+Alt+Home |
Edit.LineTranspose | Shift+Alt+T |
Edit.LineUp | Up Arrow |
Edit.LineUpExtend | Shift+Up Arrow |
Edit.LineUpExtendColumn | Shift+Alt+Up Arrow |
Edit.ListMembers | Ctrl+J |
Edit.MakeLowercase | Ctrl+U |
Edit.MakeUppercase | Ctrl+Shift+U |
Edit.MoveSelectedLinesDown | Alt+Down Arrow |
Edit.MoveSelectedLinesUp | Alt+Up Arrow |
Edit.NextHighlightedReference | Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow |
Edit.OvertypeMode | Insert |
Edit.PageDown | PgDn |
Edit.PageDownExtend | Shift+PgDn |
Edit.PageUp | PgUp |
Edit.PageUpExtend | Shift+PgUp |
Edit.ParameterInfo | Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar |
Edit.PasteParameterTip | Ctrl+Shift+Alt+P |
Edit.PeekBackward | Ctrl+Alt+- |
Edit.PeekDefinition | Alt+F12 |
Edit.PeekForward | Ctrl+Alt+= |
Edit.PreviousHighlightedReference | Ctrl+Shift+Up Arrow |
Edit.QuickInfo | Ctrl+K, Ctrl+I |
Edit.ReverseIncrementalSearch | Ctrl+Shift+I |
Edit.ScrollLineDown | Ctrl+Down Arrow |
Edit.ScrollLineUp | Ctrl+Up Arrow |
Edit.SelectCurrentWord | Ctrl+W |
Edit.SelectionCancel | Escape |
Edit.SelectToLastGoBack | Ctrl+= |
Edit.ShowCodeLensMenu | Alt+` |
Edit.StopHidingCurrent | Ctrl+M, Ctrl+U |
Edit.StopOutlining | Ctrl+M, Ctrl+P |
Edit.SwapAnchor | Ctrl+K, Ctrl+A |
Edit.TabLeft | Shift+Tab |
Edit.ToggleAllOutlining | Ctrl+M, Ctrl+L |
Edit.ToggleBookmark | Ctrl+K, Ctrl+K |
Edit.ToggleCompletionMode | Ctrl+Alt+Space |
Edit.ToggleOutliningExpansion | Ctrl+M, Ctrl+M |
Edit.ToggleTaskListShortcut | Ctrl+K, Ctrl+H |
Edit.ToggleWordWrap | Ctrl+E, Ctrl+W |
Edit.UncommentSelection | Ctrl+K, Ctrl+U |
Edit.ViewBottom | Ctrl+PgDn |
Edit.ViewBottomExtend | Ctrl+Shift+PgDn |
Edit.ViewTop | Ctrl+PgUp |
Edit.ViewTopExtend | Ctrl+Shift+PgUp |
Edit.ViewWhiteSpace | Ctrl+R, Ctrl+W |
Edit.WordDeleteToEnd | Ctrl+Delete |
Edit.WordDeleteToStart | Ctrl+Backspace |
Edit.WordNext | Ctrl+Right Arrow |
Edit.WordNextExtend | Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow |
Edit.WordNextExtendColumn | Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Right Arrow |
Edit.WordPrevious | Ctrl+Left Arrow |
Edit.WordPreviousExtend | Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow |
Edit.WordPreviousExtendColumn | Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Left Arrow |
Edit.WordTranspose | Ctrl+Shift+T |
EditorContextMenus.CodeWindow.ExecuteInInteractive | Alt+Enter |
EditorContextMenus.CodeWindow.ExecuteLineInInteractive | Alt+' |
OtherContextMenus.HTMLContext.ViewinPageInspector | Ctrl+K, Ctrl+G |
TeamFoundationContextMenus.Annotate.TfsAnnotateMoveNextRegion | Alt+PgDn |
TeamFoundationContextMenus.Annotate.TfsAnnotateMovePreviousRegion | Alt+PgUp |
Command | Keyboard Shorctut |
Edit.Delete | Shift+Del |
Command | Keyboard Shorctut |
Edit.DeleteFromModel | Shift+Del |
Command | Keyboard Shorctut |
Edit.DeleteFromModel | Shift+Del |
Command | Keyboard Shorctut |
Edit.DeleteFromModel | Shift+Del |
Commands | Keyboard Shorctuts |
Edit.NewAccelerator | Insert |
Edit.NextKeyTyped | Ctrl+W |
Commands | Keyboard Shorctuts |
Edit.MoveControlDown | Down Arrow |
Edit.MoveControlLeft | Left Arrow |
Edit.MoveControlRight | Right Arrow |
Edit.MoveControlUp | Up Arrow |
Edit.ScrollColumnLeft | Ctrl+Left Arrow |
Edit.ScrollColumnRight | Ctrl+Right Arrow |
Edit.ScrollLineDown | Ctrl+Down Arrow |
Edit.ScrollLineUp | Ctrl+Up Arrow |
Edit.SizeControlDown | Shift+Down Arrow |
Edit.SizeControlLeft | Shift+Left Arrow |
Edit.SizeControlRight | Shift+Right Arrow |
Edit.SizeControlUp | Shift+Up Arrow |
Format.AlignBottoms | Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow |
Format.AlignCenters | Shift+F9 |
Format.AlignLefts | Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow |
Format.AlignMiddles | F9 |
Format.AlignRights | Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow |
Format.AlignTops | Ctrl+Shift+Up Arrow |
Format.ButtonBottom | Ctrl+B |
Format.ButtonRight | Ctrl+R |
Format.CenterHorizontal | Ctrl+Shift+F9 |
Format.CenterVertical | Ctrl+F9 |
Format.CheckMnemonics | Ctrl+M |
Format.SizetoContent | Shift+F7 |
Format.SpaceAcross | Alt+Right Arrow or Alt+Left Arrow |
Format.SpaceDown | Alt+Up Arrow or Alt+Down Arrow |
Format.TabOrder | Ctrl+D |
Format.TestDialog | Ctrl+T |
Format.ToggleGuides | Ctrl+G |
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
Image.AirbrushTool | Ctrl+A |
Image.BrushTool | Ctrl+B |
Image.CopyandOutlineSelection | Ctrl+Shift+U |
Image.DrawOpaque | Ctrl+J |
Image.EllipseTool | Alt+P |
Image.EraseTool | Ctrl+Shift+I |
Image.FilledEllipseTool | Ctrl+Shift+Alt+P |
Image.FilledRectangleTool | Ctrl+Shift+Alt+R |
Image.FilledRoundedRectangleTool | Ctrl+Shift+Alt+W |
Image.FillTool | Ctrl+F |
Image.FlipHorizontal | Ctrl+H |
Image.FlipVertical | Shift+Alt+H |
Image.LargerBrush | Ctrl+= |
Image.LineTool | Ctrl+L |
Image.MagnificationTool | Ctrl+M |
Image.Magnify | Ctrl+Shift+M |
Image.NewImageType | Insert |
Image.NextColor | Ctrl+] or Ctrl+Right Arrow |
Image.NextRightColor | Ctrl+Shift+] or Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow |
Image.OutlinedEllipseTool | Shift+Alt+P |
Image.OutlinedRectangleTool | Shift+Alt+R |
Image.OutlinedRoundedRectangleTool | Shift+Alt+W |
Image.PencilTool | Ctrl+I |
Image.PreviousColor | Ctrl+[ or Ctrl+Left Arrow |
Image.PreviousRightColor | Ctrl+Shift+[ or Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow |
Image.RectangleSelectionTool | Shift+Alt+S |
Image.RectangleTool | Alt+R |
Image.Rotate90Degrees | Ctrl+Shift+H |
Image.RoundedRectangleTool | Alt+W |
Image.ShowGrid | Ctrl+Alt+S |
Image.ShowTileGrid | Ctrl+Shift+Alt+S |
Image.SmallBrush | Ctrl+. |
Image.SmallerBrush | Ctrl+- |
Image.TextTool | Ctrl+T |
Image.UseSelectionasBrush | Ctrl+U |
Image.ZoomIn | Ctrl+Shift+. or Ctrl+Up Arrow |
Image.ZoomOut | Ctrl+Shift+, or Ctrl+Down Arrow |
Command | Keyboard Shortcut |
Edit.NewString | Insert |
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
QueryDesigner.CancelRetrievingData | Ctrl+T |
QueryDesigner.Criteria | Ctrl+2 |
QueryDesigner.Diagram | Ctrl+1 |
QueryDesigner.ExecuteSQL | Ctrl+R |
QueryDesigner.GotoRow | Ctrl+G |
QueryDesigner.JoinMode | Ctrl+Shift+J |
QueryDesigner.Results | Ctrl+4 |
QueryDesigner.SQL | Ctrl+3 |
Command | Keyboard Shortcut |
OtherContextMenus.ORDesignerContext.HideMethodsPane | Ctrl+1 |
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
Edit.BreakLine | Enter |
Edit.CharLeft | Left Arrow |
Edit.CharLeftExtend | Shift+Left Arrow |
Edit.CharRight | Right Arrow |
Edit.CharRightExtend | Shift+Right Arrow |
Edit.DocumentEnd | End |
Edit.DocumentEndExtend | Shift+End |
Edit.DocumentStart | Home |
Edit.DocumentStartExtend | Shift+Home |
Edit.InsertTab | Tab |
Edit.LineDown | Down Arrow |
Edit.LineDownExtend | Shift+Up Arrow |
Edit.LineUp | Up Arrow |
Edit.LineUpExtend | Shift+Down Arrow |
Edit.MoveControlDown | Ctrl+Down Arrow |
Edit.MoveControlLeft | Ctrl+Left Arrow |
Edit.MoveControlRight | Ctrl+Right Arrow |
Edit.MoveControlUp | Ctrl+Up Arrow |
Edit.SelectionCancel | Escape |
Edit.SizeControlDown | Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow |
Edit.SizeControlLeft | Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow |
Edit.SizeControlRight | Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow |
Edit.SizeControlUp | Ctrl+Shift+Up Arrow |
Edit.TabLeft | Shift+Tab |
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
Edit.CreateCopyofWorkItem | Shift+Alt+C |
Edit.RefreshWorkItem | F5 |
Team.NewLinkedWorkItem | Shift+Alt+L |
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
Edit.CreateCopyofWorkItem | Shift+Alt+C |
Edit.Indent | Shift+Alt+Right Arrow |
Edit.Outdent | Shift+Alt+Left Arrow |
Team.NewLinkedWorkItem | Shift+Alt+L |
Team.Refresh | F5 |
Window.Toggle | Shift+Alt+V |
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
Edit.CreateCopyofWorkItem | Shift+Alt+C |
Edit.Indent | Shift+Alt+Right Arrow |
Edit.Outdent | Shift+Alt+Left Arrow |
Team.GotoNextWorkItem | Shift+Alt+N |
Team.GotoPreviousWorkItem | Shift+Alt+P |
Team.NewLinkedWorkItem | Shift+Alt+L |
Team.Refresh | F5 |
Window.Toggle | Shift+Alt+V |
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
Edit.CompleteWord | Ctrl+K, W or Ctrl+K, Ctrl+W or Ctrl+Spacebar or Alt+Right Arrow |
Edit.DecreaseFilterLevel | Alt+, |
Edit.IncreaseFilterLevel | Alt+. |
Edit.ListMembers | Ctrl+K, L or Ctrl+K, Ctrl+L or Ctrl+J |
Edit.ParameterInfo | Ctrl+K, P or Ctrl+K, Ctrl+P or Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar |
Edit.QuickInfo | Ctrl+K, I or Ctrl+K, Ctrl+I |
WorkflowDesigner.Collapse | Ctrl+E, Ctrl+C or Ctrl+E, C |
WorkflowDesigner.CollapseAll | or |
WorkflowDesigner.ConnectNodes | Ctrl+E, Ctrl+F or Ctrl+E, F |
WorkflowDesigner.CreateVariable | Ctrl+E, Ctrl+N or Ctrl+E, N |
WorkflowDesigner.ExpandAll | Ctrl+E, Ctrl+X or Ctrl+E, X |
WorkflowDesigner.ExpandInPlace | Ctrl+E, Ctrl+E or Ctrl+E, E |
WorkflowDesigner.GoToParent | Ctrl+E, Ctrl+P or Ctrl+E, P |
WorkflowDesigner.MoveFocus | Ctrl+E, Ctrl+M or Ctrl+E, M |
WorkflowDesigner.NavigateThroughDesigner | Ctrl+Alt+F6 |
WorkflowDesigner.Restore | Ctrl+E, Ctrl+R or Ctrl+E, R |
WorkflowDesigner.ShowHideArgumentDesigner | Ctrl+E, Ctrl+A or Ctrl+E, A |
WorkflowDesigner.ShowHideImportsDesigner | Ctrl+E, Ctrl+I or Ctrl+E, I |
WorkflowDesigner.ShowHideOverviewMap | Ctrl+E, Ctrl+O or Ctrl+E, O |
WorkflowDesigner.ShowHideVariableDesigner | Ctrl+E, Ctrl+V or Ctrl+E, V |
WorkflowDesigner.ToggleSelection | Ctrl+E, Ctrl+S or Ctrl+E, S |
WorkflowDesigner.ZoomIn | Ctrl+Num + |
WorkflowDesigner.ZoomOut | Ctrl+Num - |
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
Design.FitAll | Ctrl+0 |
Design.ShowHandles | F9 |
Design.ZoomIn | Ctrl+Alt+= |
Design.ZoomOut | Ctrl+Alt+- |
Format.EditText | F2 |
Format.ResetLayout.All | Ctrl+Shift+R |
View.EdgeLeftMoveLeft | Ctrl+Shift+, |
View.EdgeLeftMoveRight | Ctrl+Shift+. |
View.EdgeRightMoveLeft | Ctrl+Shift+Alt+, |
View.EdgeRightMoveRight | Ctrl+Shift+Alt+. |
Run project code | Ctrl+F9 |
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
XML.StartXSLTDebugging | Alt+F5 |
XML.StartXSLTWithoutDebugging | Ctrl+Alt+F5 |
Commands | Keyboard Shortcuts |
GraphView.BottomtoTop | Alt+Up Arrow |
GraphView.LefttoRight | Alt+Right Arrow |
GraphView.RighttoLeft | Alt+Left Arrow |
GraphView.ToptoBottom | Alt+Down Arrow |
OtherContextMenus.GraphView.RemovefromWorkspace | Delete |
XsdDesigner.ShowContentModelView | Ctrl+2 |
XsdDesigner.ShowGraphView | Ctrl+3 |
XsdDesigner.ShowStartView | Ctrl+1 |