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zoominherit Property

New for Windows Internet Explorer 8

Note: This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.

Sets or gets the zoominherit property of the dialog box.


[ p = ] window.zoominherit [ = v ]

Possible Values

p String that specifies or receives one of the following values.
no | 0Default. Causes the child window or dialog box to use the default zoom setting.
yes | 1Causes the child window or dialog box to inherit the zoom setting of its parent's window.

The property is read/write. The property has a default value of no | 0.


The zoominherit property is a feature of Internet Explorer client windows and dialog boxes (both modal and modless). When set to "1" or "yes":

  • The open features property scrollbars item is forced to 1.
  • The open features property resizeable item is forced to 1.
  • The window or dialog box inherits the zoom percentage of the parent.



Standards Information

There is no public standard that applies to this property.

Applies To


See Also
