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Windows Media Player 11 SDK BUTTONGROUP.transparencyColor 

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The transparencyColor attribute specifies or retrieves the transparent color of the BUTTONGROUP images.



Possible Values

This attribute is a read/write String with no default, containing one of the following values.

Value Description
Auto The pixel at location 0,0 in the image becomes the transparent color.
any Microsoft Internet Explorer color value An Internet Explorer color value becomes the transparent color (for example, "red" or "#FF0000").
None Default. No transparency.


A transparent color in an image will allow whatever is behind the image to show through the areas of transparency. The transparent region is clickable unless clipped by the clippingImage tag.

The color can be any Microsoft Internet Explorer color value. If the value is Auto, then the color of the pixel at location 0,0 in the image is used.

If the color specified is not one of the valid Internet Explorer colors, a warning is returned and the previous value is maintained.

Because JPGs are lossy and therefore subject to unexpected color change, they are not recommended when transparencyColor is used.


Windows Media Player version 7.0 or later.

See Also

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