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Windows Media Player 11 SDK TEXT.wordWrap 

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The wordWrap attribute specifies or retrieves a value indicating whether word wrap is enabled or disabled.



Possible Values

This attribute is a read/write Boolean.

Value Description
true Word wrap is enabled.
false Default. Word wrap is disabled. If the text does not fit within the control, the text is cropped.


The Text control does not split words apart. If a word extends beyond the width of the control, word wrap is employed to move the word to the next line. If a single word is longer than the control width, that word is clipped and occupies a single line.

If the width attribute is not specified, wordWrap is ignored and the Text control will resize rather than wrapping the text.

If line breaks are desired in particular locations, they must be explicitly specified in value using "
" or "\r". If the latter form is used when specifying the value directly, the string must be prefixed with "JScript:" and the actual value must be surrounded by single quotes, as shown below. This is not necessary if the value is set dynamically from within an event handler.

If wordWrap is set to true and toolTip is not specified, the ToolTip will display the full text of the value attribute. If no ToolTip is desired, set toolTip to "" (empty string).




Windows Media Player version 7.0 or later.

See Also

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