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PivotColumnMember Object

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Represents the values displayed for a grouped field in the column area of a PivotTable list. The PivotColumnMember object is a member of the PivotColumnMembers collection.

Using the PivotColumnMember object

The following properties return a PivotColumnMember object:

The PivotCell object's ColumnMember property

The PivotResultColumnAxis object's ColumnMember property

The PivotColumnMember object's FindColumnMember property

The PivotColumnMember object's ParentColumnMember property

The PivotColumnMember object's TotalColumnMember property

The PivotColumnMembers collection's **Item**property

The PivotData object's **Left**property

The PivotColumnMember object has many properties in common with the PivotAxisMember object. Use the DetailLeft, DetailLeftOffset, **DetailsExpanded**properties or MoveDetailLeft method to customize the way detail records are displayed.