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Sprite.Draw(Texture,Rectangle,Vector3,Vector3,Color) Method (Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D)

Adds a sprite to the list of batched sprites.


Visual Basic Public Sub Draw( _
    ByVal srcTexture As Texture, _
    ByVal srcRectangle As RectangleLeave Site, _
    ByVal center As Vector3, _
    ByVal position As Vector3, _
    ByVal color As ColorLeave Site _
C# public void Draw(
    Texture srcTexture,
    RectangleLeave Site srcRectangle,
    Vector3 center,
    Vector3 position,
    ColorLeave Site color
C++ public:
void Draw(
    RectangleLeave Site srcRectangle,
    Vector3 center,
    Vector3 position,
    ColorLeave Site color
JScript public function Draw(
    srcTexture : Texture,
    srcRectangle : RectangleLeave Site,
    center : Vector3,
    position : Vector3,
    color : ColorLeave Site


srcTexture Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Texture
A Texture object that represents the sprite texture.
srcRectangle System.Drawing.Rectangle
A RectangleLeave Site object that indicates the portion of the source texture to use for the sprite. Specify Rectangle.EmptyLeave Site to use the entire source image for the sprite.
center Microsoft.DirectX.Vector3
A Vector3 structure that identifies the center of the sprite. A value of (0,0,0) indicates the upper-left corner.
position Microsoft.DirectX.Vector3
A Vector3 structure that identifies the position of the sprite. A value of (0,0,0) indicates the upper-left corner.
color System.Drawing.Color
A ColorLeave Site structure. The color and alpha channels are modulated by this value. The Color.TransparentLeave Site value maintains the original source color and alpha data.




The method call is invalid. For example, a method's parameter might contain an invalid value.


The data is invalid.

See Also