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The InvokeTuningWizard method invokes the tuning wizard. This method is synchronous and will return once the tuning wizard is complete. This method will fail if called during an active session.

HRESULT InvokeTuningWizard(OAHWNDhwndParent);


  • hwndParent
    [in] Handle to the parent window. A value of NULL indicates that there is no parent window. It is recommended that this parameter not be set to NULL.

Return Values

RTC methods may return an RTC_E_ constant.

Value Meaning
RTC_E_CLIENT_NOT_INITIALIZED The client has not been initialized.
RTC_E_MEDIA_CONTROLLER_STATE The tuning wizard is already active, or an active media stream already exists.


A call to InvokeTuningWizard will fail if the media has been globally disabled. The media is disabled by initializing the Client object via the IRTCClient2::InitializeEx method with the RTCIF_DISABLE_MEDIA flag set.


Client: Requires Windows XP.
Server: Requires Windows Server 2003.
Redistributable: Requires Rtcdll.dll on Windows 2000, and Windows Me/98.
Header: Declared in Rtccore.h.
Library: Included as a resource in Rtcdll.dll.
GUID: IID_IRTCClient is defined as 07829e45-9a34-408e-a011-bddf13487cd1.

See Also