Basic Windows Communication Foundation Technology Samples
The technology samples demonstrate the various technologies in Windows Communication Foundation (WCF). These samples are intended for instructional use only. As such, these samples tend to exhibit limited error handling.
The following is a list of the different types of technology samples.
- Getting Started Sample
Demonstrates how to implement a typical service and a typical client using Windows Communication Foundation (WCF).
- WCF Service Samples
Demonstrates service hosting, behaviors, and error handling in a WCF service.
- Client Samples
Demonstrates client features or behaviors.
- Contracts Samples
Demonstrates how to configure data contracts, service contracts, and message contracts for a WCF service.
- Binding Samples
Demonstrates the use and configuration of bindings.
- Management Samples
Demonstrates how to manage a WCF service.
- AJAX Samples
Demonstrates how to use Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX).
- Workflow Services Samples
Demonstrates WCF workflow services.
- Web Programming Model Samples
Demonstrates WCF Web programming model concepts.
- Syndication Samples
Demonstrates how to create syndication (Atom and RSS) feeds using WCF.
Set Up Instructions
Troubleshooting Tips for WCF Samples
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