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Enumeration Types

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Enumeration Types

The Windows Media Services SDK implements the following enumeration types.

Enumeration type Description
WMS_ACCESS_CONTROL Identifies the read/write permissions that can be granted to a client.
WMS_ACTIVE_STREAM_TYPE Identifies whether the content in the active stream is audio, video, or some other type.
WMS_AUTHENTICATION_FLAGS Identifies what type of challenge and response mechanism is used between an authentication plug-in and the client.
WMS_AUTHENTICATION_RESULT Identifies the status of a request to authenticate a client.
WMS_BROADCAST_PUBLISHING_POINT_STATUS Identifies the possible states for a broadcast publishing point.
WMS_BUFFER_SETTING Identifies the amount of buffering performed by the server when sending data to a client.
WMS_CACHE_CONTENT_DOWNLOAD_FLAGS Identifies options for caching content. This enumeration enables you to cancel a download for broadcast content.
WMS_CACHE_CONTENT_TYPE_FLAGS Identifies whether content is on-demand, broadcast, or a playlist.
WMS_CACHE_EVENT_TYPE Identifies possible cache events.
WMS_CACHE_QUERY_MISS_RESPONSE Indicates what action the server must take in response to a cache miss.
WMS_CACHE_QUERY_RESPONSE Indicates what action the server must take if a cache hit occurs.
WMS_CACHE_QUERY_TYPE_FLAGS Indicates the purpose of a call to the IWMSCacheProxy::QueryCache method.
WMS_CACHE_REMOTE_EVENT_FLAGS Identifies the remote events that an origin server can subscribe to.
WMS_CACHE_VERSION_COMPARE_RESPONSE Indicates whether cached content has expired.
WMS_CLIENT_STATUS Identifies the possible states for a client.
WMS_CONTEXT_HINT_CONSTANTS Defines a constant that can be substituted for the context property key in any method requiring a key.
WMS_CONTEXT_OPTIONS Indicates whether context values are specified and retrieved by value or by reference.
WMS_CONTEXT_TYPE Identifies the context type.
WMS_DATA_CONTAINER_ATTRIBUTES Indicates whether the data container supports enumeration.
WMS_DATA_CONTAINER_GETINFO_FLAGS Indicates whether a data container supports seeking.
WMS_DATA_CONTAINER_GETINFO_VALUES Identifies the type of information being sought about the data container.
WMS_DATA_CONTAINER_OPEN_FLAGS Identifies general data container I/O information.
WMS_DATA_CONTAINER_VERSION_CACHE_FLAGS Identifies options for caching and streaming content.
WMS_DIAGNOSTIC_EVENT Identifies the event types that can be retrieved by an IWMSDiagnosticEvent interface.
WMS_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_FLAGS Indicates whether an entry in a data container is a directory.
WMS_EVENT_CLASS Indicates which event classes are reported through Windows Management Instrumentation.
WMS_EVENT_LOG_LEVEL Identifies the severity of a logged error.
WMS_EVENT_TYPE Identifies the internal event notices that can be fired by the server.
WMS_FILE_TYPE Indicates whether a source is a directory, a media file, a playlist, or a stream format file.
WMS_IP_ACCESS_OPTIONS Indicates how specified and unspecified IP addresses are authorized by default.
WMS_LIMIT_CHANGE_EVENT_TYPE Identifies a publishing point or server limit that has changed.
WMS_LIMIT_HIT_EVENT_TYPE Identifies a publishing point or server limit that has been reached.
WMS_LOG_CYCLE_TYPE Identifies the options for cycling a log file.
WMS_LOG_EVENT_TYPE Identifies the type of a log event.
WMS_OS_PRODUCT_TYPE Identifies the operating system that you are running.
WMS_PACKET_ATTRIBUTES Identifies attributes of a packet.
WMS_PACKET_BUFFER_EX_FLAGS Identifies extended flags controlling the behavior of a buffer.
WMS_PACKET_BUFFER_FLAGS Indicates whether a buffer should be added to the end of a buffer list.
WMS_PACKET_FLAG_TYPES Identifies various packet properties.
WMS_PACKET_LIST_ATTRIBUTES Identifies the attributes of a packet list.
WMS_PACKET_LIST_EX_FLAGS Identifies extended flags controlling the behavior of a packet list.
WMS_PACKET_LIST_FLAG_TYPES Identifies flags that can be set on a packet list.
WMS_PACKET_STATUS_FLAGS Identifies the status of a packet.
WMS_PARSER_FLAG_TYPES Identifies a flag controlling the behavior of a packet parser.
WMS_PLAYLIST_EVENT_TYPE Identifies playlist events.
WMS_PLUGIN_EVENT_TYPE Identifies plug-in events.
WMS_PLUGIN_LOAD_TYPE Identifies whether a plug-in is loaded as an in-process or out-of-process object.
WMS_PLUGIN_STATUS Indicates the status of a plug-in.
WMS_PLUGIN_SUPPORT_TYPE Indicates whether a plug-in can be enabled under the current operating system.
WMS_PLUGIN_UNSUPPORTED_LOAD_TYPE Indicates whether a plug-in can be loaded as an in-process or out-of-process object.
WMS_PROXY_SETTINGS Indicates whether a proxy server must be used by the WMS Network Data Source Plug-in.
WMS_PUBLISHING_POINT_CATEGORY Indicates whether a publishing point is on-demand or broadcast.
WMS_PUBLISHING_POINT_EVENT_TYPE Identifies publishing point events.
WMS_PUBLISHING_POINT_STATUS Identifies the possible states of a publishing point.
WMS_PUBLISHING_POINT_TYPE Identifies the publishing point type.
WMS_RECORD_PROGRESS_OPCODE Identifies the status of an archiving operation.
WMS_SEEK_AND_PLAY_TYPE Identifies values that can be used in a command context to control content playback.
WMS_SEEK_TYPE Identifies the available seek operation types.
WMS_SERVER_EVENT_TYPE Identifies server events.
WMS_SERVER_STATUS Indicates the status of a server.
WMS_STREAM_MODIFIERS Identifies stream modifications.
WMS_STREAM_SIGNAL_TYPE Identifies stream signal event types.
WMS_THINNING_MODIFIER Identifies the type of stream thinning.
WMS_UNICAST_ROLLOVER_URL_OPTIONS Identifies the available options for a unicast rollover URL.

See Also

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