Web Services Protocols Interoperability Guide
Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) implements a number of Web services protocols. Many of these protocols include a number of options and extensibility points left to the discretion of the implementer. This topic provides a list of Web services protocols WCF implements. Other topics within this section provide implementation details for each protocol supported.
WCF provides support for Web services (WS) infrastructure protocols through channels and Web services application protocols through the contracts feature. Interoperability for application protocols is accomplished through XML Schema description language 1.0 (XSD) and Web Services Description Language (WSDL) 1.1.
Infrastructure protocols interoperability is provided by the WS-* specifications. WCF channels provide support for a number of WS-* infrastructure protocols. WCF channels are configured using binding elements. The following tables contain the full list of the WS-* infrastructure protocols implemented by various WCF binding elements.
HttpTransportBindingElement supports the specifications in the following table.
Specification/document | Link |
HTTP 1.1 |
SOAP 1.1 HTTP Binding |
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 1.1, Section 7 |
SOAP 1.2 HTTP Binding |
SOAP Version 1.2 Part 2: Adjuncts (Second Edition), Section 7 |
TextMessageEncodingBindingElement and MtomMessageEncodingBindingElement support the specifications in the following table.
Specification/Document | Link |
SOAP 1.1 |
SOAP 1.2 Core |
SOAP Version 1.2 Part 1: Messaging Framework (Second Edition) |
WS-Addressing 2004/08 |
W3C Web Services Addressing 1.0 - Core |
W3C Web Services Addressing 1.0 - SOAP Binding |
W3C Web Services Addressing 1.0 - WSDL Binding* |
WSDL SOAP1.1 Binding |
WSDL SOAP1.2 Binding |
MtomMessageEncodingBindingElement supports the specifications in the following table.
Specification/document | Link |
MTOM + SOAP1.2 Binding |
MTOM SOAP 1.1 Binding |
MTOM WS-PolicyAssertions |
To be published. |
SecurityBindingElement supports the specifications in the following table.
Specification/document | Link |
WSS: SOAP Message Security 1.0 |
WSS: Username Token Profile 1.0 |
Web Services Security UsernameToken Profile 1.0 require Password/@Type=PasswordText (default) |
WSS: X.509 Token Profile 1.0 |
WSS: SAML 1.1 Token Profile 1.0 |
WSS: SOAP Message Security 1.1 |
WSS Username Token Profile 1.1 |
Web Services Security UsernameToken Profile 1.1 do not implement password-based key derivation; require Password/@Type=PasswordText (default) |
WSS: X509 Token Profile 1.1 |
WSS: Kerberos Token Profile 1.1 |
WSS: SAML 1.1 Token Profile 1.1 |
WS-Secure Conversation |
WS-Trust |
WS-SecurityPolicy 2005/07 |
Web Services Secure Conversation Language As amended by errata submitted to OASIS WS-SX Technical Committee. |
TransactionFlowBindingElement supports the specifications in the following table.
Specification/Document | Link |
WS-Coordination |
WS-AtomicTransaction |
The MetadataExporter, MetadataImporter, WSDLExporter, WSDLImporter, and MetadataResolver classes provide support for the following metadata specifications:
In addition, the following Interoperability Profiles are implemented across WCF:
Web Services Protocols Supported by System-Provided Interoperability Bindings
Messaging Protocols
Data Contract Schema Reference
WSDL and Policy
Security Protocols
Reliable Messaging Protocol version 1.0
Reliable Messaging Protocol version 1.1
Transaction Protocols
Context Exchange Protocol