This topic outlines the basic steps required to create a Windows Process Activation Services (also known as WAS) hosted Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service. WAS is the new process activation service that is a generalization of Internet Information Services (IIS) features that work with non-HTTP transport protocols. WCF uses the listener adapter interface to communicate activation requests that are received over the non-HTTP protocols supported by WCF, such as TCP, named pipes, and Message Queuing.
This hosting option requires that WAS activation components are properly installed and configured, but it does not require any hosting code to be written as part of the application. For more information about installing and configuring WAS, see How to: Install and Configure WCF Activation Components.
WAS activation is not supported if the web server’s request processing pipeline is set to Classic mode. The web server’s request processing pipeline must be set to Integrated mode if WAS activation is to be used.
When a WCF service is hosted in WAS, the standard bindings are used in the usual way. However, when using the NetTcpBinding and the NetNamedPipeBinding to configure a WAS-hosted service, a constraint must be satisfied. When different endpoints use the same transport, the binding settings have to match on the following seven properties:
Otherwise, the endpoint that is initialized first always determines the values of these properties, and endpoints added later throw a ServiceActivationException if they do not match those settings.
For the source copy of this example, see TCP Activation.
To create a basic service hosted by WAS
Define a service contract for the type of service.
Implement the service contract in a service class. Note that address or binding information is not specified inside the implementation of the service. Also, code does not have to be written to retrieve that information from the configuration file.
The generated client application also contains the implementation of the ClientCalculator. Note that the address and binding information is not specified anywhere inside the implementation of the service. Also, code does not have to be written to retrieve that information from the configuration file.
The configuration for the client that uses the NetTcpBinding is also generated by Svcutil.exe. This file should be named in the App.config file when using Visual Studio.
Microservice applications are composed of small, independently versioned, and scalable customer-focused services that communicate with each other by using standard protocols and well-defined interfaces. Each microservice typically encapsulates simple business logic, which you can scale out or in. You test, deploy, and manage the microservice independently. Smaller teams develop a microservice based on a customer scenario, and choose the technologies that they use. This module teaches you how to build your f