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This section contains information about PROPERTYID GUIDs. Use these GUIDs to represent UI Automation properties in the UiaLookupId function.

The following table lists the PROPERTYID GUIDs.

BoundingRectangle_Property_GUID Determines basic location on screen.
IsOffscreen_Property_GUID Determines if element is visible within parent container.
Orientation_Property_GUID Determines if element is horizontal or vertical.
ItemType_Property_GUID Determines string for type of item (for example, "Folder" or "Message").
HasKeyboardFocus_Property_GUID Determines if element has current keyboard focus.
IsEnabled_Property_GUID Determines if element is enabled or disabled for user.
IsKeyboardFocusable_Property_GUID Indicates whether an element can have keyboard focus.
IsPassword_Property_GUID Indicates whether an element is password-protected.
Name_Property_GUID Exposes the primary text that references the element.
LocalizedControlType_Property_GUID Gets a string-readable value for the type of the control.
ControlType_Property_GUID Identifies the type of the control.
ProcessID_Property_GUID Identifies the process that the element lives within.
IsControlElement_Property_GUID Indicates whether the control takes mouse input or important container information.
IsContentElement_Property_GUID Indicates that the control contains information relevant to assistive technologies.
LabeledBy_Property_GUID Indicates reference to an element that labels element, if any.
RuntimeId_Property_GUID Unique identifier for the element.
AutomationId_Property_GUID Enables unique identification of sibling elements in the UI Automation tree.
ClassName_Property_GUID Name of underlying class of control.
NativeWindowHandle_Property_GUID Identifies the underlying HWND of the UI Automation element, if one exists.
FrameworkId_Property_GUID Identifies the underlying UI framework that the element is part of.
HelpText_Property_GUID Identifies additional information about how to use a control.
AcceleratorKey_Property_GUID Identifies hot-key equivalent for performing element's default action.
AccessKey_Property_GUID Identifies keys used to move focus to a control.
IsInvokePatternAvailable_Property_GUID Checks if pattern is available.
IsSelectionPatternAvailable_Property_GUID Checks if pattern is available.
IsSelectionItemPatternAvailable_Property_GUID Checks if pattern is available.
IsExpandCollapsePatternAvailabe_Property_GUID Checks if pattern is available.
IsTogglePatternAvailable_Property_GUID Checks if pattern is available.
IsTablePatternAvailable_Property_GUID Checks if pattern is available.
IsTableItemPatternAvailable_Property_GUID Checks if pattern is available.
IsGridPatternAvailable_Property_GUID Checks if pattern is available.
IsGridItemPatternAvailable_Property_GUID Checks if pattern is available.
IsDockPatternAvailable_Property_GUID Checks if pattern is available.
IsValuePatternAvailable_Property_GUID Checks if pattern is available.
IsRangeValuePatternAvailable_Property_GUID Checks if pattern is available.
IsWindowPatternAvailable_Property_GUID Checks if pattern is available.
IsTransformPatternAvailable_Property_GUID Checks if pattern is available.
Value_Value_Property_GUID Obtains the textual value of a control.
Value_IsReadOnly_Property_GUID Determines if control is text read-only.
RangeValue_Value_Property_GUID Obtains the numeric value of a control.
RangeValue_IsReadOnly_Property_GUID Determines if control is numeric read-only.
RangeValue_Minimum_Property_GUID Determines the minimum numerical value that a control can be set to.
RangeValue_Maximum_Property_GUID Determines the maximum numerical value that a control can be set to.
RangeValue_LargeChange_Property_GUID Determines large change numerical value that a control can be set to.
RangeValue_SmallChange_Property_GUID Determines small change numerical value that a control can be set to.
Scroll_HorizontalScrollPercent_Property_GUID Exposes how far horizontally a control is scrolled (0.0 to 100.0).
Scroll_HorizontalViewSize_Property_GUID Exposes the horizontally viewable portion of a control.
Scroll_VerticalScrollPercent_Property_GUID Exposes how far vertically a control is scrolled (0.0 to 100.0).
Scroll_VerticalViewSize_Property_GUID Exposes the vertically viewable portion of a control.
Scroll_HorizontallyScrollable_Property_GUID Exposes whether a control can be scrolled horizontally.
Scroll_VerticallyScrollable_Property_GUID Exposes whether a control can be scrolled vertically.
Selection_Selection_Property_GUID Exposes the current selection of a control.
Selection_CanSelectMultiple_Property_GUID Exposes whether multiple items can be selected in a container.
Selection_IsSelectionRequired_Property_GUID Exposes whether a container must have a selected item.
Grid_RowCount_Property_GUID Indicates the number of rows in a grid layout.
Grid_ColumnCount_Property_GUID Indicates the number of columns in a grid layout.
GridItem_Row_Property_GUID Indicates which row a control is in.
GridItem_Column_Property_GUID Indicates which column a control is in.
GridItem_RowSpan_Property_GUID Indicates the number of rows a control spans.
GridItem_ColumnSpan_Property_GUID Indicates the number of columns a control spans.
GridItem_Parent_Property_GUID Identifies the grid container of an item.
Dock_DockPosition_Property_GUID Exposes a control's position on a screen.
ExpandCollapse_ExpandCollapseState_Property_GUID Indicates whether a control is being shown or hidden.
MultipleView_CurrentView_Property_GUID Indicates which view a control is currently set to.
MultipleView_SupportedViews_Property_GUID Indicates which views a control can be set to.
Window_CanMaximize_Property_GUID Indicates whether a window can be maximized.
Window_CanMinimize_Property_GUID Indicates whether a window can be minimized.
Window_WindowVisualState_Property_GUID Indicates whether a window is minimized or maximized.
Window_WindowInteractionState_Property_GUID Indicates whether a window is receiving input.
Window_IsModal_Property_GUID Indicates whether a window is modal.
Window_IsTopmost_Property_GUID Indicates whether a window is set to be topmost.
SelectionItem_IsSelected_Property_GUID Indicates whether a control is currently selected.
SelectionItem_SelectionContainer_Property_GUID Identifies a selection container.
Table_RowHeaders_Property_GUID Identifies a collection or row header providers.
Table_ColumnHeaders_Property_GUID Identifies a collection of column header providers.
Table_RowOrColumn_Property_GUID Indicates which direction a table should be read: row or column first.
TableItem_RowHeaderItems_Property_GUID Identifies row header providers.
TableItem_ColumnHeaderItems_Property_GUID Identifies column header providers.
Toggle_ToggleState_Property_GUID Indicates whether a control can be toggled.
Transform_CanMove_Property_GUID Indicates whether a control can be moved.
Transform_CanResize_Property_GUID Indicates whether a control can be resized.
Transform_CanRotate_Property_GUID Indicates whether a control can be rotated.